Tips to do Netgear Router Setup for Beginners

Experiencing issues during the Netgear router process is normal. However, you should know how to deal with such problems at hand. This article is going to be your guide to help you prepare for the Netgear router setup. Moreover, with the tips given below, you can easily ensure that the setup process goes smoothly.

So, without further delay, let’s get through the points mentioned below. After that, you get a basic understanding of how the Netgear router and modem work. Not just the router, you also get to learn about other elements at hand. Hence, keep reading to know more.

Important Points for Netgear Router Setup

Do Proper Placement

You are going to install the Netgear router for better area coverage and signal strength. That is why placing the Netgear router at the right location is crucial. You should ensure that there are no obstructions to the router’s signal.

Moreover, you should avoid the router placement inside the wall closet or behind the T.V. The location you choose is going to play a crucial role in the working of your Netgear router. Just be careful of the barriers to WiFi signals to ensure you get the best range.

Consistent Power Supply

Another important and helpful tip for Netgear router setup is to keep a check on the power supply. The power outlet should not be short-circuited. Moreover, the pins of the router should fit tightly into the wall outlet.

In case there is any power fluctuation, you must get it checked. You should ensure that the Netgear router gets a consistent power supply. If not, it is going to be a bigger problem when you start the setup process. The device will keep on connecting and disconnecting from the modem.

Updated Web Browser

Apart from the Netgear router, you should also think about the additional tools used in the router setup process. One of the most important tools is the web browser used to access the internet. Thus, you need to have an up-to-date web browser to access Netgear Genie smart setup wizard.

Moreover, the web browser that you choose should be compatible with your PC or laptop. In case you don’t have the required web browser, you should download it from the official online store. On the other hand, if you are utilizing an already used web browser, clear its cache and cookies.

Keep Router-Modem Distance in Check

Placing the router too far is another common mistake that users commit. They just follow the tips for correct Netgear router placement. However, while doing so, they forget that the router needs to be connected to the home WiFi modem.

Due to too far placement, connecting the Netgear router to the modem is not possible. In that case, you should change its placement for some time. First, link both the devices. You can do that by using an Ethernet cable or wireless connection. In either case, the established connection should be strong and stable.

Minimize Wireless Interference

The Netgear router placement might be perfect according to you. However, it could be your worst mistake because of WiFi interference around it. Therefore, you need to ensure that there are no heavy electrical appliances placed around the Netgear router.

Moreover, you must also know that there are no windows where you place the router. In that case, you might not be able to access the Netgear router login page because of too much WiFi interference.

Strengthen Internet Connection

Having a strong internet connection is important if you want to get the most out of your Netgear extender. So, before proceeding with the Netgear router setup process, make sure the internet connection is strong. For that, run speed tests or contact your ISP.

Furthermore, for the best results, you should connect the router to the modem using an Ethernet cable only. That minimizes internet fluctuations and helps you stay connected to the internet for a longer time.

Wrap Up

With the right tips, you can easily perform the Netgear router setup process. However, in case you can’t access the official router website, you should go with the IP address. It helps you bypass the Netgear router login page.

With that, you can easily perform the setup process. Once that is done, you get access to a strong and stable internet connection. Therefore, you should follow all the tips mentioned above for the best results.

By Olivia Bradley

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