Top 5 Seo Tips You Should Know In 2023

Seo Tips

If you are a content creator, then you already know the importance of SEO which is Search Engine Optimization. SEO helps in making your website more visible on the search engine result page. And it also helps to generate more and more quality traffic to your website. 

SEO is the most important part of digital marketing. It enhances your marketing efforts and streamlines them to your target audience. Proper SEO optimization offers increased traffic to your website. 

It is a marketing technique that is recognized by most companies as a successful marketing technique. With proper SEO optimization, your website will get lost in the vast ocean of the internet. 

But in order to have a properly optimized SEO marketing plan in action, here are a few tips you can utilize. 

1. Focus On Ux

In June 2021, Google launched the updated Core Web Vitals. Usually, this focuses mainly on the content quality, but this time it’s more about the UX or user experience. This new update looks for three main things in a website they are. 

  • The loading speed of your website.
  • Website stability.
  • The responsiveness and interactiveness of your website. 

You may ask why Google is doing this. It is to give the best user experience and engagement possible. 

2. Use Internal Linking

If you are a content creator and have a website for your content, then you already know the importance of internal linking. But for those who don’t know, let me explain why it is important.

When you are attaching an internal link to a different page on your website, it helps with your ranking in SEO terms. But your internal link needs to have relevant keywords. 

From an SEO point of view, it is possible that the traffic generated is not equal for all the pages. So internal linking helps to achieve that needed traffic. This will prevent your other pages from being overlooked, like the middle child of every family. 

You can attach the internal linking articles as “Related articles” to your page. 

3. Recreate Blog Posts As Videos

One of the best ways to generate traffic and interaction to your website, make video content of your written content. 

According to research, it has been seen that video content generates about 41% more traffic and traction than written content. So if you are well-equipped to be able to make video content, then why not take advantage of it? 

It has been seen that in SEO terms that video content helps a website rank higher in the SERP by 157%, with organic traffic. 

But you need to keep one thing in mind; YouTube SEO works differently from Google SEO. On YouTube, the initial 24hrs is very crucial to get more and more exposure. 

So it is always best to have your content spread throughout multiple platforms, like social media and websites. This way, the scope of generating an increased amount of traffic is more. 

4. Update Existing Content

Us as content creators, know that having updated and relevant content is important to increase the traffic to our website. So creating similar content is very important as search engines usually prioritize the most relevant content for the users. 

But what about the content that is already there in your website, your old content? This is where modification comes into action. You need to carefully and creatively update and modify your existing content and make them relevant. 

What are the things you can do to update your existing content?

5. Update Your Blog posts

When you are updating your post, do more than just change the posting date. Revisit those articles and update the keywords if required and add relevant data regarding those keywords. By doing these tweaks to your old articles, your traffic will spike as well. 

6. Add Original Updated Data

It is always great to add original data to your old content. If possible, try adding original images and videos to your blogging websites. And for business-related articles if you can add original data graphs and charts. 

Original data are highly appreciated by google in terms of ranking in the search engine result page. 

7. Update The Images And Videos

Images and videos give a huge advantage for articles to rank higher and generate increased traffic, but they need to be updated. For any type of article, try to update and keep the pictures and videos relevant to the content.

If you think the old images are good and generate traffic, then you can keep them. But might change the design layout of the picture. 

8. Drive Traffic With Long-Tail Keywords

If you ask any SEO expert, then they will suggest you use as much as long-tail keywords as you can. When you are working with a highly competitive topic, then the use of long-tail keywords helps to generate traffic. 

These long-tail keywords are less popular but more specific to the topic at hand, therefore they are easier to rank in the search engine. 

It ha been seen that shorter keywords, of one or two dogs, are highly competitive, which makes them difficult to rank. So it would be best for you to use long-tail keywords for your articles and blogging, this will help them to rank. 

So at the end of the, you need to keep one thing in mind, there is no point in using shorter keywords, with high density if its not going to rank. So it is better to choose a long-tail keyword with lower density with a higher chance of ranking. 

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On a concluding note, all the SEO tips that have been discussed above are proven methods. They will help rank your article higher in the search engine. But you need to know that these SEO methods take a considerable amount of time to start giving you the results you want. 

You will definitely see the results if you implement all the five tips discussed above in the article.

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