Top 7 Good Fat Foods You Should Choose For Diet Meal

The top seven fats that are good for your body are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. These are the foods that should be included in your diet. Other sources of these fats include Avocados, Fish, and Nuts. You can also substitute these foods for a portion of your meal. In addition to monounsaturated fats, the following foods contain high polyunsaturated fats. 

Fat should be consumed in small amounts, and preferably, no more than 30 percent of your diet should be fat. You can use oil instead of butter in cooking and choose fatty fish with omega-3 fatty acids. When purchasing poultry, make sure you buy skinless. In addition, try to opt for fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible.


There are many benefits of eating more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. They can be found in fish, nuts, and seeds. In addition, you can replace meat with skinless chicken. Instead of using butter on a dish, try olive or canola oil. Also, opt for nuts instead of breadcrumbs on chicken. Finally, include plenty of whole fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Just three ounces of canned or cooked tuna contain about five grams of fat. You can enjoy various recipes with tuna, such as salad on a sandwich, seared tuna steaks, and tuna casserole. For an even higher fat content, consider eating tuna in small portions. A single serving contains about 11 grams of fat, but it does have a few fibers.

Olive Oil:

Olive oil is another good fat food you should use for diet meals. Choose genuine extra virgin olive oil because it’s more expensive than cheaper knockoffs. A high-fat diet is not bad for you, as your body needs fat for many processes. Fortunately, the healthy fats in the diet are unsaturated, and trans fats are bad for you. When you choose good fat foods in your diet meal, you can lose weight without feeling hungry and still improve your health at the same time. Eat these foods, and you’ll see a dramatic change in your overall health.


They contain over half of the recommended daily allowance for fat and are considered healthy food. Avocados contain monounsaturated fat, which has anti-inflammatory properties and is good for the heart. They also contain important nutrients for eye health and fiber, making them great good fat sources. They are also excellent sources of protein and fiber. It makes avocado the perfect food to include in your diet.

The main benefit of consuming these foods is that they contain no carbohydrates. In contrast, other fat sources contain a mixture of carbohydrates and fat. 


Nut butters, such as almonds, cashew, sunflower seed, and peanut, contain many healthy fats are easy to incorporate into your diet meal. Walnuts are especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for reducing bad cholesterol and regulating blood sugar. These nut butters are great for dressing salads and cooking. In addition, they contain 4.5 grams of fat per serving and are great for baking or snacking. You can add it to salads, cereal, oatmeal, and cakes. You can even make nut butter from walnuts, a great way to get plenty of healthy fats into your diet. 

Reduced-Fat Dairy:

When choosing diet foods, you should stick with reduced-fat dairy products. They have the same nutrients as full-fat products but less saturated fat. Low-fat varieties contain less than one percent of the saturated fat of full-fat products. You can begin by switching one serving daily, or even two servings, to a reduced-fat variety. Eventually, you’ll be eating fat-free or reduced-fat milk.

When choosing diet-friendly dairy products, you should stick to low-sodium varieties, such as cottage cheese or ricotta. These types of cheese contain fewer calories and less saturated fat, so you can save some money and still enjoy the taste. 


Yogurt, a cultured milk product, is another good option. It can help maintain digestive health. Make sure to purchase plain varieties without added sugar, and check the label for nutritional information and ingredients. Greek yogurt is nearly lactose-free, and many people with this condition can safely consume one serving a day. 

Monounsaturated Fats or Meat: 

It’s important to understand the difference between saturated and monounsaturated fats. Most dietary fats have two or more types of bonds. These bonds vary in size. Monounsaturated fats contain one double bond, while saturated and Tran’s fats contain two. Both fats are essential for your body, offering essential nutrients like vitamin E and antioxidants. These fats also help maintain the cells in your body.

While saturated fats cause heart disease, monounsaturated fats can help support your heart health. Studies have shown that monounsaturated fats have several health benefits, including lowering your risk of heart disease. Monounsaturated fats are found in various foods, including olive oil and avocado. These fats are good for your heart because they increase good cholesterol levels while decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol. 


To minimize the negative effects of saturated fats, you should consume foods rich in omega-3 fats. They can be sourced from fish and plants. Get coupons for good fat foods to eat healthy food at a cheap price. Instead of using trans fats, use coconut or palm oil in cooking and baking. Limit red meat and moderate dairy. However, if you cannot avoid butter, then you should try eating nuts and avocados occasionally.

By Olivia Bradley

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