Top Medical Universities In China At Affordable Fee

Top Medical Universities in China

Top Medical Universities in China

Since the 1980s, China has worked to improve the quality of education in the country. While there are many challenges in running the world’s largest education system, the Chinese government has overcome these challenges and even surpassed itself. In fact, two of its schools are ranked 23rd and 24th, respectively, in the World University Rankings.

Thanks to its excellent educational system and state-of-the-art facilities, more and more aspiring doctors are choosing Chinese universities. If you are interested in studying in the world’s most populous country, consider one of the Top Medical Universities in China.

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What are the requirements to study medicine in China?

MBBS or undergraduate and surgical courses are offered in Chinese universities. Since it is an undergraduate course, it is open to high school students who are at least 18 years old.

The applicant must be in good mental and physical condition. Good grades and English proficiency are required.

How long does it take to study medicine in China?

It takes at least 6 years to complete an MBBS degree in China: the first year is devoted to the basics, the second and third years to the fundamentals of medicine, the fourth and fifth years are devoted to clinical medicine, and the fourth year is devoted to research. The final year is an internship in China or another country.

Best Medical Schools in China

1. Tsinghua University School of Medicine.

According to the World University Rankings, Tsinghua University is the best university in China and one of the best medical schools in China, founded only in 2001, but is based on one of China’s elite educational institutions, Peking Union Medical College (PUMC), founded in 1917, the American medical school It is modeled after the system.

Competition for admission to medical school is fierce, with only around 90 students admitted to China’s top medical schools each year. Unlike other schools, Tsinghua University has an eight-year program, based on a 3+2+3 model, with the first three years devoted to developing a knowledge base. The next two years are dual track and the final three years are devoted to the rigorous demands of clinical medicine.

2. Peking University – Health Science Center (HSC).

The School of Medicine is part of the Peking University HSC. It is affiliated with other medical institutions and many university hospitals. The former Beijing Imperial University in Beijing is an important member of China’s C9 Alliance, the equivalent of the Ivy League in the United States.

Founded in 1902, it was the first medical school in China to adopt the British medical school system. It was the first school in the country to teach modern Western medicine to its students.

The six-year clinical medicine program allows HSC students to do internships at any (or all) of the school’s eight affiliated hospitals. Participation in research is also encouraged, with 19 research institutes and 38 research centers.

3. Fudan University – Shanghai Medical College (SMC)

Shanghai Medical College has a history dating back to Dr. Yan Fuqing, founded in 1927, and is one of the top medical schools in China, especially after its merger with Fudan University with government approval in 2000.

Currently, two types of clinical medical training programs are offered, which can be completed in 6 and 8 years; the 6-year program is conducted in English and is suitable for international students.

The eight-year program, on the other hand, is for those who can hone their clinical and scientific skills simultaneously. Students also have the opportunity to work alongside colleagues from prestigious universities such as Harvard and Columbia.

SMC is currently located on a 1,900-square-meter campus in Fenglin and has partnerships with 10 hospitals where students can complete their clinical rotations.

4. Shanghai Jiao Tong University and School of Medicine.

Founded in 1952, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Shanghai Second Medical University merged in 2005.

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Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine remains one of only two schools to receive an A+ grade in clinical medicine from China’s Ministry of Education; from 2009 to 2018, the school was ranked among the top clinical medical schools in the country by China’s Ministry of Education.

In addition to providing world-class medical education, it strives to train its students to become excellent clinical researchers. This is well reflected in U.S. News rankings, where it is ranked 17th in publications and 37th in regional research.

The university is currently affiliated with 12 hospitals.

5. Zhejiang University School of Medicine.

The School of Medicine began its operations in 1912 under the name Zhejiang Medical University. After several changes, it was officially renamed Zhejiang University School of Medicine in 1999.

Zhejiang University School of Medicine is part of the C9 Consortium and is one of the leading C9 schools in China and is recognized as one of the most elite schools in China. It is also one of 36 second-class universities in China.

Zhejiang University, located on the Side Entrance campus, is one of the top medical schools in China, with seven affiliated hospitals and several research institutes.

However, the school is recognized for its excellent academic achievements and impressive international reputation; according to U.S. News rankings, it ranks 10th and 14th in number of lectures and publications, respectively.

6. Nanjing Medical University – School of Medicine.

Next on the list of top medical schools in China is Nanjing Medical University, founded in 1934 as Jiangsu University of Health Policy and Management and renamed Nanjing Medical University after moving to its current location in 1957.

Nanjing Medical University was one of the first universities to offer an MBBS degree in English in 2005. It is also one of the most selective schools, as it admits only 100 students per year.

Bejing Medical University has two campuses. Most clinical training and research is conducted at the 8-hectare main campus on Mount Wutai.

Beihang University has four faculties of clinical medicine, the first of which is affiliated with the first affiliated hospital specializing in cardiology. The second faculty has 14 teaching and research departments. The third hospital specializes in cardiovascular surgery and the fourth in pediatrics.

7th Sun Yat-sen University – Sun Yat-sen Medical College

Zhongshan Medical College, formerly known as Pre-Clinical Medical College, is located on the Guangzhou campus of Sun Yat-sen University. It was founded in 1866 as Boji Medical College and is the oldest Western medical school in the country. It was also the place where Dr. Sun Yat-sen studied medicine.

After several name changes and mergers, Sun Yat-sen Medical College was founded in 1985. Like other schools, it offers an eight-year clinical medical course and a six-year medical school.

It has over a century of history and is recognized as one of the best schools in the country. This is evidenced by its 34th place in the U.S. News ranking of clinical medicine publications and 37th place in reputation in community research.

8. CSU-Xiangya Medical School

CSU-Xiangya Medical School, formerly known as Xiangya Medical School, was founded in 1914 as one of the few schools offering Western medicine to Chinese students. It was later merged with the new CSU in 2000.

The medical school is located in Hunan Province and is recognized as one of the leading double-A universities in China.

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CSU students spend most of their time at both campuses. Medical students are assigned to the old campus, where the Third Xiangya Hospital is located. Graduate students study at the new campus. The new campus houses Xiangya Hospital and the State Key Laboratory of Medical Genetics.

9. Sichuan University-West China Medical College.

Huaxi University was founded in 1914 by Western doctors and missionaries. After several name changes, it merged with Sichuan University to become the University of Western China.

WCCM offers a six-year MBBS program taught in English. Students have the opportunity to conduct clinical research at West China Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in the country. With 4,300 beds, it is considered one of the top three medical centers in China.

WCCM, one of the country’s leading medical schools, is affiliated with Asia’s only evidence-based medicine center. This makes WCCM one of only 14 such schools in the world.

10. South China Medical University (SMU) – School of Clinical Medicine

Finally, we complete our list of top medical schools in China with South China Medical University. Located in the Baiyunshan district of Guangzhou, it was founded in 1951 as the First Military Medical University. It was later named SMU with the approval of the State Council and the Central Military Commission.

The university is famous for its School of Clinical Medicine, which offers an eight-year program for aspiring doctors. Teaching is delivered through a variety of methods, including face-to-face lectures, problem-based learning, group teaching, and independent study. Clinical rotations allow SMU students to apply their knowledge at one of the school’s seven partner hospitals.

By Olivia Bradley

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