UTI St. John: The Importance of Early Detection and Treatment

If you’re experiencing symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI), you’re not alone – they’re one of the most common infections worldwide, and there are several types. In fact, UTIs are the most frequently diagnosed infections in women under 25 and older than 65, as well as affecting men who have prostate issues or take diuretics. Most UTIs can be effectively treated with antibiotics if they’re caught early enough, so UTI St.

The following are the most common symptoms of UTIs according to the UTI St. John website:
-A frequent, urgent need to urinate
-Pain or burning when you do urinate
-Strong urge to urinate but your bladder feels empty (this is often referred to as dribbling)
-Pain in the lower back or groin region, just above the pubic bone on either side (the area where the bladder is located)

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common type of infection in the urinary system with women over 60 being at higher risk than younger individuals.1 They can be difficult to diagnose and may not present symptoms until they reach a more severe stage, but they can be managed with early detection and treatment by qualified professionals like UTI St. John staff members. Symptoms that indicate an infection may have reached a more severe stage include fever, flank pain, nausea or vomiting, low back pain, blood in urine, burning sensation during urination or inability to urinate despite having an intense urge to do so.

Medical Treatments
You can take steps to protect yourself from UTIs by drinking plenty of fluids, staying well-hydrated and avoiding high-sugar foods which encourage bacterial growth. Doctors recommend you speak with your physician if you have frequent UTIs that last longer than 10 days or are accompanied by symptoms such as a fever, vomiting, abdominal pain or blood in the urine. Treatments may include antibiotics or other medications if the infection is severe or recurrent, but they are usually not necessary for chronic infections and patients should avoid antibiotics unless prescribed by their doctor to avoid complications like Clostridium difficile colitis or yeast overgrowth. Our healthcare provider practices an integrated approach to urinary tract care at both our Austin office locations as well as our online self-care program UTI St. John

Home remedies
1) Drink 8 glasses of water each day
2) Limit your intake of fluids that contain caffeine, alcohol, or artificial sweeteners like diet sodas
3) Take antibiotics only when needed to treat the infection – don’t take them just because they make you feel better
4) Urinate whenever you feel a need to go so that the bladder is always emptying completely; avoid holding it too long because urine can become highly concentrated with bacteria that are not killed by antibiotics
5) Make sure your pelvic region (where the bladder is located) is properly cleaned after intercourse or defecation

1) Drink plenty of fluids
2) Urinate often, preferably after each time you have a sexual contact or when you think that the urge has to be answered
3) Empty your bladder as soon as possible if you experience pain during urination or discomfort in the lower abdomen
4) Be sure to wipe from front to back; do not flush while urinating
5) Take showers rather than baths because less bacteria is released with a shower watch movies on filmymeet

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By Olivia Bradley

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