What are the most common water cooler machine myths that people still believe in?

water cooler machine

We are all aware of the importance of maintaining hydration for a healthy body and mind. And since the market for water coolers is seeing historic growth, installing one in your office or home is one of the finest methods to promote and improve simple hydration. Nevertheless, there are still misunderstandings about water coolers. So let’s dispel some of the most widespread falsehoods.

The ecology is negatively impacted by water coolers:

In actuality, using water coolers has been shown to have a positive influence on the environment.

An energy-efficient bottle-water chiller that employs clean, green refrigerant gas to chill water can operate for as little as 10p per day. To cut down on single-use plastic waste, Thirsty Work also employs compostable, biodegradable, or recyclable paper cups as standard.

The water in water coolers isn’t filtered:

For superior flavor and fewer pollutants, all water cooler machines employ 100% filtration.

However, each cooler includes an in-built sophisticated filtering system, even if you install a mains fed water cooler that draws water straight from your mains supply. Each filter, which is made of recyclable plastic, retains all the natural minerals in while filtering out pollutants that give off odors and poor tastes as well as microplastics as small as 0.001mm.

Water coolers require a lot of upkeep:

Every RO water dispenser is built to need little human involvement and less maintenance.

You don’t have to bother about the upkeep of your water cooler at all, besides routinely cleaning off high-touch areas like paddles and cup dispensers. Your plan includes all service, maintenance, sanitization, and aftercare, which is done by the certified experts. Even better, they’ll replace your old cooler with a brand-new one every six months as standard.

Chemicals that are harmful to you are used in water coolers:

Factual statement: The best water cooler machines never make use of hazardous chemicals in any of the bottled water we provide or in any cleaning or sanitizing procedures.

While the bottled water is  pure and sourced naturally, mains fed water coolers get their water straight from the mains supply, which has previously been cleansed and treated and has passed stringent processing tests. Internal water cooler cleaning processes break down any sanitization agents applied, leaving no residue, taste, or odor.

Too much plastic is used in water coolers:

Each cooler is built from recycled plastic and is completely recyclable after its useful life is up.

Until the end of their useful lives, when they are chipped and recycled, water bottles are also cleaned, sanitized, and reused several times. All of the plastic from the water cooler is combined and utilized to make recycled products including playground equipment, decking, and outdoor furniture.

Why drinking filtered water is important for your employees?

Many employees continue to underestimate the significance of drinking water to maintain hydration levels while at work, despite the fact that it is critical for our bodies and fundamental to our health and wellness. But why is it so crucial to keep hydrated at work, aside from the fact that it is legally required for all employers to provide access to appropriate drinking water?

Why is it crucial to drink enough water?

Since water makes up around 60% of our bodies—even our blood is 90% water—drinking water throughout the day is essential to preserving the natural fluid balance of our bodies.

Regardless of whether your employment requires you to spend the most of the day at a desk or keeps you active outside, drinking water helps give a number of health advantages, such as:

  • Keeping your muscles hydrated and your joints lubricated
  • Removing germs and poisons from your body.
  • Increasing digestion and preventing constipation
  • Assisting in blood pressure control
  • Maintaining good heart health

In addition to all of these advantages, drinking water throughout the day helps your mental performance at work. Even a little, steady fluid loss of 1 to 2 percent can have an impact on your mood, memory, and ability to concentrate. However, drinking water also provides you an energy boost that might help you get over fatigue and general drowsiness. Overall, drinking more water will increase your productivity at work.

Why do need a water cooler at the home office?

In addition to all of these advantages, drinking water throughout the day helps your mental performance at work. Even a little, steady fluid loss of 1 to 2 percent can have an impact on your mood, memory, and ability to concentrate. However, drinking water also provides you an energy boost that might help you get over fatigue and general drowsiness.

Make the most of a water cooler for your work:

For employed people during the past few years, working from a home office has truly changed the game. The technological difficulties of setting up people to work remotely may have taken some organizations some time to master, but it allowed employees to log in and conduct their regular business from home rather than the office.

However, working from home has its difficulties. Beyond the technical details, many people missed the regularity and comradery of the workplace. Others, particularly in London, where a lengthy daily journey might not be the greatest way to start the day, flourished and discovered it to be a more productive way of working.

Now that hybrid working is widespread, it is possible to divide time between the workplace and home. A home office can thus be the perfect place for you to do your best work, whether you’re a hybrid worker or entirely self-employed. A water cooler may be installed in your home office, and while maintaining hydrated during the day is important wherever you work.

Productivity growth:

Regular hydration may significantly improve your workday. Because our brains are 75% water, staying hydrated will improve your performance. Drinking water will raise your attention and concentration, keep you more awake and prevent mental weariness, which will increase your productivity overall.

Important lubrication:

Additionally, drinking water keeps your muscles and joints lubricated. You won’t be moving as much as you need to if your job involves a lot of sitting down.

Drinking water may therefore provide the necessary lubricant to the tissue in your joints to keep them healthy and pliable while also supplying nutrients to your muscles, even if it cannot substitute physical activity.

Easily accessible:

It is simple to install a mains fed or bottled water cooler in your home office. A floor standing or countertop type may provide handy and simple access to pure-filtered water all day, every day. While an engineer will need to attach the plumbing for a mains fed cooler, both require only a regular wall outlet.

Free trial to try before you buy:

There are several advantages to installing a water cooler at work, and there are five great reasons why you need one for your place of business or office. A mains fed or bottled water cooler offers for you on every front, including a healthy body and mind as well as low-risk, low-cost, and energy efficiency. However, despite all the advantages, certain organizations could require a bit more persuasion.

It’s possible that not everyone or every organization should use water coolers. However, our idea is to provide a “try before you buy” water cooler free trial in order to assist consumers in making a final decision. So, as you crunch some data and allow your staff and guests offer you some insightful input, you may fully enjoy your cooler with no commitment.

By Olivia Bradley

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