What Can You Learn from Power Electronics Course Online?


Many devices and systems, in one or more of their stages, require the use of power electronics. Power electronics are used to drive any equipment that requires an input of electric power other than that given by the primary power source. Power electronics convert electrical energy of one type into another with different properties. It is becoming the need of the hour. Hence, many people are taking up this field as a career option.

So if you want to pursue a career in Power Electronics, you must be aware of it thoroughly. You can get a basic understanding by enrolling in a beginner power electronic course online. It will help boost your career by imparting knowledge at the root level and upwards. It will give you a systematic way of making a career in the field of Power Electronics later in life.

Power electronics – What is it?

A diverse subfield of electrical engineering is power electronics. Its main objectives are the processing, management, and conversion of electric power. High voltages and currents are used in power electronics to supply electricity to electrical machinery and gadgets. These gadgets include everything from industrial machinery to residential air conditioning systems. Over 80% of the electricity produced is processed or used again by power electronic systems worldwide.

Working on Power Electronics

Power electronic devices change the form of electrical energy. The current, voltage or frequency modification may be a part of this process. It guarantees that the electrical flow is appropriate for user loads. Power electronics strive for the highest efficiency and dependability at the smallest possible costs, weights, and sizes. Following are a few parts of power electronics:

Power diodes
A diode is known as a semiconductor device. Due to its high resistance to current in one direction and extremely low resistance in the other, it allows electric current to flow in a single direction. Diode applications include signal modulators, voltage regulators, and alternating current (AC) converters to direct current (DC).

Another semiconductor device is a transistor. These are employed to switch and magnify electrical and electronic signals.

A GTO, or gate turn-off thyristor, is a powerful semiconductor switching component. It is distinguished by its capacity to turn off gates. With a gate drive circuit, GTOs can also start the main current.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of technical and workplace skills for power electronics engineers that you can learn when you take up an online course. You can consider using it to identify areas of focus for building your expertise in the field of Power Electronics.

⦁ Experience with electronic equipment such as various power analysers and oscilloscopes.
⦁ Experience with design and real-time simulation (RTS) tools such as MATLAB.
⦁ Capability to translate operational specifications into hardware requirements.
⦁ Strong knowledge of power electronics systems and principles like AC/DC conversion, AC converters, DC-DC converters, and grid-connected converters.
⦁ Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
⦁ High-level analytical skills.
⦁ Understanding safety protocols to work cautiously with current levels and hazardous voltage.
⦁ An independent and also a team player.

However, there are several courses, such as online PCB design, to level up your knowledge in the field of Power Electronics, which you must opt for once you are aware of the basic concepts.

By Olivia Bradley

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