What is Albert Einstein’s IQ?

From nations to individual geniuses, indeed to the genius of Albert Einstein who on 11 May 1916, 105 years ago, also thanks to his IQ of 160, enunciated the theory of relativity.

Who has the highest IQ?

He has an IQ of 230, even higher than Einstein‘s, which reached 160. Terence Tao, 46, mathematician and professor at the University of California is the most intelligent man in the world and is currently in Italy, a guest of the University of Insubria, for meetings and conferences.

What is a good IQ?

Usually we consider normal IQ between 85 and 115 (within which falls about 68% of the population) and we consider intellectual deficit performance scores below 70.

Who is the smartest scientist in the world?

Who is Terence Tao, the smartest man in the world: «As IQ I beat Einstein. But physics is tiring »he has an IQ of 230: Albert Einstein, so to speak, reached 160.

Who is the smartest child in the world?

Her name is Ophelia, Morgan-Dew, she lives in Herefordshire and is three years old. She and an IQ of 171: eleven points higher than Einstein.

The SMARTEST People In History

Find 42 related questions

What is the smartest child in Italy?

Anushka, a girl with record intelligence: “At 11 she has a higher IQ than Einstein and Hawking”

Who is the strongest child in the world?

Giuliano Stroe Giuliano Stroe is a 9-year-old Romanian boy, but he has already entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the strongest child in the world.

Who are the smartest in the world?

The 10 smartest people in the world

  • Terence Tao. Terrence Tao has a verified IQ of 230. …
  • Christopher Hirata. Hirata has a verified IQ of 225. …
  • Kim Ung-Yong. Kim Ung-Yong has a verified IQ of 210. …
  • Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis. …
  • Christopher Langan. …
  • Rick Rosner. …
  • Mislav Predavec. …
  • Marilyn vos Savant.

Who is the smartest girl in the world?

The smartest person in the world is a woman: US journalist Marilyn vos Savant. At the age of 10 she takes the IQ test for the first time, which is surprising. The results obtained by your Savant are higher than those of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

How smart was Leonardo da Vinci?

2) Leonardo da Vinci

IQ: 208.

How high is a high IQ?

120-130: High IQ, high potential profile range. 110-115: Medium-High IQ. 110-90: Average IQ. 90-80: Medium-low IQ.

How to tell if your IQ is high?


  1. 130-139 = significantly higher intelligence.
  2. 120-129 = higher intelligence.
  3. 110-119 = brilliant intelligence.
  4. 90-109 = normal intelligence.
  5. <89 = intelligence below the norm.

Who is the smartest in Italy?

Terence Tao is currently in Italy, in Varese, from 20 to 24 September to receive the international recognition for mathematics Riemann Prize, awarded by the Riemann international school of mathematics (Rism) of the University of Insubria. A life characterized only by successes?

Who is the greatest genius of all time?

1) William James Sidis – When genius is not synonymous with happy life: William James Sidis is considered the smartest man ever with an IQ rated between 250 and 300.

When is the IQ low?

The limit that defines mental retardation is an IQ of 70 points, and normal intelligence is between 90 and 110 points. A score ranging between 70 and 85 can therefore be a symptom of Limit Cognitive Functioning.

How smart are Italians?

Italy among the smartest countries in the world in 2021

om, Italy would have an average IQ of 102, which makes it seventh in the ranking among the smartest countries in the world and first in Europe. In fact, the world ranking on the site is as follows: Hong Kong (108) Singapore (108)

Who are the smartest in Europe?

Leading them all is Finland with a value of 101, followed by Switzerland, Estonia and the Netherlands, all with a value of 100 points. Behind them are the 99-point excellences: Sweden, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, Iceland and Austria.

How much IQ does Italy have?

Good news for Italy which, globally, ranks seventh (1st in Europe) with an average IQ of 102, ahead of the UK (100), Germany (99), France and the USA (98).

Who is the strongest child to play football?

Arat Hosseini is the Iranian child prodigy who at the age of 6 shows technical and acrobatic prowess as a “veteran” and dreams of becoming a great footballer like his idol, Messi. The “Pulce” also praised him for the video posted on Instagram.

Who is the fastest child in the world?

Rudolph Ingram, the fastest child in the world is 7 years old: he is the new Usain Bolt. He is only 7 years old and has already been renamed the new Usain Bolt. Rudolph Ingram, an American from Tampa (Florida), is fast as the wind and in running races he crushes all his opponents with record blows.

How much IQ does a 10-year-old have?

In this way, two children of different ages who both had an average intelligence would both get the same score of 100. A 10-year-old who had a normal score of 13, for example, would have an IQ. of 130 (100 * 13/10).

What is the average IQ of a 12-year-old child?

For example, a child with a mental age of 12 and a chronological age of 10 would have an IQ of 120 = (12/10 x 100). The Stanford-Binet remains a popular assessment tool even today, despite having been revised several times over the years.

How to calculate the IQ of an adult?

This index is calculated by making the ratio between mental age and chronological age multiplied by one hundred, with this formula: mental age (resulting from the test) / Chronological age x 100. The IQ value is between 0 and 200, with an average value that is around 100.

By Olivia Bradley

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