What Is The Difference Between Standard Pre-School And Montessori Schools In Abu Dhabi?

Children are sponges; they absorb whatever is offered to them. So, as a parent, we must chalk their pre-primary education in a way so that they feel pleasant, valued and not burdened. That is why the concept of Montessori nursery school has emerged. 

Differences between traditional nursery school and Montessori nursery.

1.      The role of the teacher

One of the most common misconceptions people weave in their minds is in Montessori nursery class; the children are allowed to follow their free- will. There is no structure or boundaries, but it is far from the truth. Let’s unravel the truth behind it.

In the traditional nursery, the teacher acts as a torch-bearer; she guides and ensures the children’s participation per the set guidelines mentioned in the curriculum. 

On the other hand, in the schools in Abu Dhabi that follow the Montessori approach, the teacher leads the classroom, but the children learn at their pace. They are free to choose and spend time in activities they have a keen interest in but with strings of terms and conditions attached. 

In Montessori school, the teacher:

· Creates a classroom environment where a child’s innate curiosity is ignited.

· She observes every child along with their interests and, based on that, teaches them a concept.

To cut the story short, in standard nursery school, the teacher is a leader, and the kids are the followers, but in Montessori-based education, the teacher’s role is that of a guide and nurturer.

2.      Curriculum

The nursery schools in Abu Dhabi that follow the Montessori approach have a curriculum that focuses on imbibing quality education through the play-way method. Concepts like numerals, counting, language, reading, writing, phonics, history, science and community living are taught. The focus is also on improving their sensorial learning by teaching them practicals. 

However, a traditional preschool curriculum is standard and has the same benchmark every time. The children are introduced to the same concepts yearly rather than allowing the child according to their abilities.

3.      The Montessori schools in Abu Dhabi follow innovative teaching methods

The teaching method is one of the ways that helps the children to grasp the concept. Different schools have different philosophies and hence different teaching methods.


The Montessori school provides children with different materials, and they have to learn in their own way. The complexity of materials depends on the child’s age. Handling these materials facilitates self-education, self-correction, and creativity.


In traditional preschool, there are no benchmarks; every student will learn the same thing. The teacher will instruct the lessons about the alphabet and numbers, and students must practice them. While this is good for the children, it does not inject creativity within them, and the learning is repetitive. 

Which one to select: Montessori nursery or traditional preschool in Abu Dhabi?

After knowing the differences between the two, we can say both programs are good, but if you want to promote creativity within your child and improve their sensory learning, Montessori is the best. The program is suitable for sensitive and high-energy children who want to set benchmarks and move ahead confidently.

By Olivia Bradley

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