why do you want to join our company | Interview Question

why do you want to join our company

Why do you want the job for which you’re interviewing? What can you offer the company? Interviewers almost always inquire as to why you wish to work for their company. “why do you want to join our company?”

What the Interviewer Wants to Know

The interviewer is looking for a genuine, substantive response to the question of why you want to work for them. Though it may appear to be a simple interview question, many interviewers will ask, “Why do you want to work here?” or “why do you want to join our company?” to gauge your level of interest and to see if you have done any research on the company.

When interviewing prospective employees, interviewers want to know which candidates truly want the job and will put forth genuine effort to improve the company, as opposed to those who simply want a job, any job, regardless of the position.

How to Answer “why do you want to join our company?”

You can read about the company’s goals on its website and see if they are compatible with your personal goals. If you research the company, you’ll be able to talk about the mutual benefits of working for them and better answer this question when the interviewer asks.

why do you want to join our company | best Answer

You should be able to answer the interviewer in such a way that your interviewer feels as if you know enough about the company to know that, given your personal career goals, you would like to work there. Respond directly and confidently to the interviewer, as how you respond is just as important as what you say.

Here are some examples of responses that may help you frame your response.

Example Answer

This company is well-known throughout the world for its healthcare products, and the opportunity presented by this position has piqued my interest.

Example Answer

Not only are you an industry leader, with strong financials and a great business model, but I’ve noticed on your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts that your product’s users are extremely enthusiastic. In fact, I am a product user who is eager to contribute to the product’s development and distribution.

Tips for Giving the Best Answer

Investigate the company. You cannot do enough research on the company for this interview question. Examine their website, read their annual report, and connect with them on social media. Speak with anyone you know at the company about it. Collect as much information as possible. Be as informed and well-prepared about the company as possible.

Make a connection between your job skills and the company. Based on your company research, connect your own job skills to the company and how you can help them in the position you’re applying for.

Be open and honest. Don’t exaggerate when it comes to connecting your job skills to the company culture and mission.

Be succinct. When commenting on what the company does, keep it brief. You don’t want to overdo it and say something inappropriate during your interview.

Prepare and practice. Prepare and practice an answer previous to your interview.

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By Olivia Bradley

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