Why Relationships Fail

Why Relationship fail

Most of us want to meet and marry the right person and have a healthy, happy, and long-lasting relationship. However, as we grow older, we realize that love isn’t always as simple as the movies portray. In fantasyland, everything always appears to work out in the end.

However, when it comes to real life, partnerships aren’t often so simple. Why is it so difficult for so many people to maintain their relationships? Why do partnerships end in divorce? Several Romantic Thriller Books 2022 talk about love, passion, relationship, and much more.

We have talked about a few reasons that can lead to a conflict between partners and become a reason for overall relationship failure.

Lack of Empathy
The majority of people lack empathy. Empathy is defined as the ability to see another person’s perspective as if you were them. This entails experiencing what other individuals are thinking. The relationship may be ruined if one or both partners lack empathy. Lack of empathy frequently leads to inadvertent harm to your relationship. Many well-known authors have written books about love and relationships.
Financial Crisis
You might be a spender, and your partner might be a saver. Unfortunately, how people handle money can cause conflict in relationships, especially when both sides are opposites in terms of their financial habits. Financial crisis often leads to fights, and unfortunately, it can lead to the end of relationships.

Challenges Concerning Communication Gap

We read a lot of Romantic Suspense Thrillers which spice up the reading when the thrill is added with romance and love. Rose Curiel is an enthusiastic writer who talks about women and their love lives. But unfortunately, the communication gap is a significant issue. According to numerous studies, communication (or a lack thereof) has been recognized as one of the top reasons for couples seeking counseling and breakups and divorces.

Selfishness Of Partners

 While most humans are fundamentally selfish to some degree (due to our survival instincts), when it gets to the point where you think about yourself, it is not conducive to a healthy relationship. Both partners must prioritize their partner’s needs above, if not ahead of, their own. Selfishness has no place in a successful relationship, and it is one of the leading causes of breakups.

Lack of Dedication

People sometimes get together and form relationships just because they don’t want to be single. That’s hardly a compelling incentive to spend time with someone. Many people go through the motions with their partners without feeling fully engaged. The relationship will not endure if one or both parties do not share the same level of commitment. 

Abuse and Violence
Abuse can take many different forms, including mental, emotional, and physical abuse. In other ways, all of these are equally harmful. For example, relationships are supposed to be caring and provide a haven for you to retreat when you need to disconnect from the outside world. As a result, it’s not unexpected that abuse is a major cause of relationship failure.

Difference in Expectations

A couple’s relationship expectations may diverge over time. For example, when talking about their aims and aspirations, couples can distinguish between “what I want” and “what we want.” Another reason partnerships fail is when expectations diverge over time. One can be vocal about expectations, but the other maybe want to be understood without speaking out. Each of them can have their own expectations, and both can have their own choices.


A relationship is a Suspense Love Story built by two people. It can cherish if worked as a team. It can be fun, complicated, full of romance, and spiced by several conflicts. Rose Curiel mentions a lot of emotions in the romantic thriller book she recently published. If you have missed reading it, click on the link So Many Women: The Love That Killed Me: Curiel, Rose: 9781956406214: Amazon.com: Books to grab your copy.

By Olivia Bradley

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