4 Things you need to consider before settling your lawsuit in Singapore

civil lawyer Singapore

civil lawyer Singapore aids clients in bringing or defending a legal action. Their tasks and roles vary greatly. We’ll discuss what a civil litigation lawyer performs in this post, as well as what we may anticipate from them.

What is a civil lawsuit?

A legal procedure known as civil litigation seeks to settle civil disputes in a court of law. Civil cases are disagreements between persons or businesses, as opposed to criminal trials, in which a person is up against the state.

Different responsibilities are played by a civil litigation lawyer Singapore in plaintiff and defendant cases. In the plaintiff’s case, the plaintiff’s job is to conduct an initial inquiry to see whether there is sufficient evidence to support filing a complaint. In the meantime, the litigation lawyer evaluates the evidence in the defendant’s case to determine how best to defend the client.

In both situations, the lawyer could be required to track down witnesses, record statements, obtain documents, speak with the client, and carefully examine the circumstances that gave rise to the disagreement. Litigation lawyers frequently take part in pre-litigation and settlement conferences to settle the conflict before a lawsuit is filed.

Various pleas must be written and submitted by civil action lawyers on behalf of the plaintiff and defendant.

At the start of the litigation, the plaintiff’s counsel may create and submit a summons and complaint. In response to the first complaint, defense counsel may prepare responses and counterclaims.

Additionally, litigators may submit pre-trial motions like those to exclude or exclude evidence. They could submit petitions for judgment based on the pleadings in other instances. No court attendance is required in this situation.

In addition to gathering, processing, and evaluating data obtained during the discovery process, civil litigation lawyers may also review tangible evidence. To offer this service, they frequently contract with outside specialists. The reports the experts provide might potentially be utilized in court.

When a matter is in court, civil litigation lawyers are most in demand. They are in charge of making their argument to the judge and getting ready for the following day’s hearing. They could work together with the client and experts at this stage to develop a trial topic. To create strong arguments and counterarguments, they identify the arguments’ advantages and disadvantages.

Giving opening and closing arguments to the judge or jury is another aspect of their duties. As they build their case with testimony and new evidence, they may question and cross-examine witnesses.

4 Considerations before settling your lawsuit

Although it’s rarely enjoyable, litigation is a reality: as the adage goes, lawsuits happen.

Whatever the reason you suddenly find yourself on the wrong side of a lawsuit, you may be initiating or defending one over a business transaction gone bad, a property or contract dispute, a claim of carelessness, or workplace misconduct.

Although settlements account for the vast majority of civil disputes, it can be challenging for the opposing party to decide whether to accept a settlement offer when it is made. Although you should and can get legal advice on this, the choice is ultimately yours.

Here is a quick list of things to think about before accepting or rejecting a settlement offer:


The main issue is whether the offer would pay sufficient compensation for the actual losses incurred (whether business or personal).

 A settlement must be appropriate to the loss; otherwise, it may lead to a stalemate rather than a resolution.

Naturally, your lawyer has greater expertise with damage awards in circumstances like these and can support it with statistics.


When you accept a firm settlement, it’s essentially a done deal, regardless of whether the offer is made as a take-it-or-leave-it proposition or as an invitation to start discussions.

Rarely does a court reject a settlement offer that has been approved by all parties? If you decide to proceed with a trial, you should anticipate that the judge would at the very least inquire about the possibility of a settlement and may even pursue the matter further.

In contrasting contrast, it is a very dangerous endeavor to attempt to forecast how a judge or jury will ultimately decide on the merits of a case.


Another significant unknown is how long it will take for a case to be heard on the merits; even if you win, the defendants may drag out the process even further through appeals. The longer a lawsuit goes on, the more expensive it is for both parties, but for a wealthy opponent, waiting may not be as problematic as it is for you.

Reduced Stress:

Most individuals are less keen to deal with the stress of a trial, while some people may see their day in court as an opportunity to shine in the limelight.

This results from witness cross-examination as well as the frequently drawn-out, tiresome, and occasionally contentious discovery and deposition processes. Contrarily, settlements can be arranged in secret and frequently have confidentiality clauses.

You can determine whether it is in your best interests to make or accept a settlement offer by carefully weighing these facts. The other side of the argument is that you should never base your decision on the desire to make a point (unless the lawsuit’s true goal is to establish a new legal precedent rather than obtain fair compensation for an actual injury), feelings of resentment or revenge, or unrealistic financial expectations.

By Olivia Bradley

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