5 Ways To Manage Your Employees Remotely

Employees who work remotely present a unique challenge for managers. It can be difficult to keep track of their progress and ensure that they are completing their work properly. Below, we will discuss 5 ways to manage your employees remotely. These tips will help you stay organised and ensure that your remote team is productive.

Establish trust

When managing employees remotely, it is important to establish trust. This means being able to trust that your employees are completing their work properly and are staying on task. It can be difficult to do this when you can’t see them in person, but trust can be built through communication tools like video conferencing and chat software.

It is also important to have occasional check-ins with employees to build this kind of trust. This gives managers a chance to see how they are doing and see if there are any areas where they need help. Keeping communication open is essential for building trust with remote employee teams.

If managers can trust their employees, it will be easier to give them more freedom and flexibility with their work. This can help reduce distractions and lead to a more productive team. Establishing trust is key when working with remote employees.

Set clear expectations

When working with remote employees, it is also important to set clear expectations. This includes specifying what tasks need to be completed and when they should be completed according to a schedule. Timelines are absolutely critical for remote employees, as time management can pose a major issue. With proper specifications that are distributed evenly among employees, the process is made a lot easier. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what needs to be done.

It is also important to provide feedback to employees on their work according to those expectations. This helps them understand what they are doing well and where they need improvement. Feedback should be given regularly to help employees improve their performance during and after projects.

Avoid micromanagement

Micromanagement can have a negative impact on remote employees. When managers micromanage, it can make employees feel uncomfortable and stressed. This can lead to them feeling less productive and less likely to take initiative.

In addition, micromanagement can be distracting and time-consuming. Employees may feel the need to constantly check in with their manager to ensure that they are doing things the right way. This can lead to less work getting done overall.

Finally, micromanagement can damage relationships between employees and managers. Employees may feel that their boss doesn’t trust them or doesn’t think they are capable of completing tasks independently. This can lead to a hostile work environment and decreased morale.

For these reasons, it is important to avoid micromanaging remote employees as much as possible. Trust them to complete tasks on their own and provide feedback when necessary. This will help them feel more comfortable and productive in their work. If necessary, utilise project management software to better monitor and track employee progress.

Communicate effectively

When it comes to managing remote employees, communication is key. This means using communication tools that allow for two-way communication. This could include video conferencing, chat software, and phone calls.

It is important for managers to be available during normal business hours to communicate with their remote employees. This allows employees to ask questions and get help when needed. Managers can also use these tools to provide feedback and give updates on projects.

Communication tools help managers stay organised and keep track of what their remote employees are working on. They also help employees feel connected to the company and their team. Regular communication helps build trust between managers and employees and helps improve employee productivity.

Events such as webinars can help managers assign and coordinate multiple projects remotely without losing out on communication. These events can be made especially engaging and interesting to keep employees’ attention for longer sessions.

However, setting up professional webinars can be challenging, especially for companies that seldom host large, dynamic meetings. Using a platform set up by professionals like Redback Connect is a lot easier than creating an online event on your own. With the help of experts, you can get your employees to engage and communicate in an open forum without worrying about them losing focus or interest.

Use a flexible approach

Flexibility is one of the key benefits of working with a remote team. When employees can work remotely, it gives them plenty of flexibility in their schedules. They can choose when they want to work and how they want to work. This can be helpful for employees with family obligations or who need to balance work with other commitments.

In addition, managers can be flexible in their approach to managing remote teams. They don’t need to follow a traditional management style if it doesn’t fit well with their remote team. Instead, they can use a more flexible approach that allows for creativity and innovation. This can help remote teams feel more productive and engaged in their work.

Finally, managers can be flexible in their expectations for employees. If an employee is struggling with a task, the manager can provide assistance rather than expecting the employee to figure it out on their own. This helps employees feel supported and encouraged in their work.


Managing a remote team can be difficult, but it can also be incredibly rewarding in the long run. There are quite a few things managers can do to make the process easier. Using communication tools to stay in touch with employees is a good start. This will help keep them organised and informed about what is happening at the company. As we mentioned, avoiding micromanaging employees as much as possible is another great idea.

Trust employees to complete assigned tasks on their own and provide feedback when necessary—But remember to build that trust first. Finally, use project management tools to track progress and ensure that tasks are being completed efficiently. These tips will help managers create a productive and successful remote team.

By Olivia Bradley

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