6 Tips to Attract and Retain the Right Talent for Your Company

retain talent

The success of one organization always heavily depends on its ability to assemble an engaged crew composed of productive, find the right talent, engaged, and loyal individuals capable of reaching overall corporate goals. This is not an easy task, even in ideal circumstances. Unfortunately, the current satiation is very far from ideal and the labor shortage that’s been plaguing the UK and the rest of the western economy doesn’t seem like coming to an end anytime soon. Still, the same sources pointing out this employee scarcity also indicate that 20% of people who are looking for a job can’t find stable employment.

So, it should be evident that at least some of these problems can be solved by implementing better recruitment and retention strategies. Let’s see if we can help you with these couple of tips.

Set clear standards and don’t stop at the initial phase

If you want to attract the best possible candidates, you need to have a very good understanding of the vacant job profiles as well as the soft skills that are critical for performing these duties at the optimal level. Using these deeper insights at the initial stages can make the interviews and the rest of the recruitment process far simpler. Also, don’t rush to fill in the positions in the first round of hiring. You need to make sure that you bring in only the talented and prospective individuals even if that means using contingent workers or outsourcing. The best candidates may sometimes come in the later phases.

The application should be more simple

Long and needlessly drawn-out interviews tend to hurt the hiring process in more than one way. First, setting unnecessary obstacles in front of the candidates hurts the brand image and pushes the ones who are considering multiple positions away from your company. Second, multiple channels and engagement points lead to inconsistent data and pay a poor image of the people you need to interview. The solution to these problem comes in the form of online questionnaires that allows you to very get rich data and even some basic personality insights all without keeping the experience as streamlined as possible.

Use the interviews to the fullest extent

Questionnaires can tell you volumes about the candidates you intend to hire. However, it is only when you come face to face with future employees that you are able to assess their personality profiles, soft skills, and other nuances that can drastically affect your future relationship. Keeping in mind this process requires a lot of skill and time (sometimes, interviewers need to handle 250 applications) this is one of the instances where is recommended to seek recruitment process outsourcing services and limit your input to consulting. Of course, in this case, you still have the final word when it comes to selection.

Market job position in a more engaging way

As we’ve seen in the introduction we are currently dealing with a very paradoxical situation where we, at the same time, deal with an increasing number of job vacancies as well as candidates looking for new employment. Your company can go a long way in turning this problem into an advantage by creating a marketing strategy that will leverage new channels and methods you would otherwise use for reaching out to new clients. So, do the necessary groundwork, find an ideal candidate persona, and try using effective strategies like blogging, SEO, social media outreach, email marketing, and similar approaches.

Create an enticing benefit program

Benefits programs are a very powerful tool that is used both for attracting new candidates as well as motivating the existing team members to stick around. But, in order to serve this purpose, the program needs to be consistent, equally treat new hires and older employees and present the workers with the clear and measurable actions they need to take in order to get the desired benefits. Also, you need to keep in mind that these perks need to be consistent with your corporate culture, so instead of focusing on outcomes, try to make the core changes that will stimulate and support favorable work experiences.

Provide opportunities for growth

Last but not least, we would like to remind you that the current job candidates look at the employment more as an opportunity to gain new skills and professional growth rather than long-term commitment. That is why your company, aside from making sure the workers have the opportunity to learn these precious new skills and gain work experience, also needs to provide them a chance to implement these competencies and push their careers further without leaving your organization. Like in the previous section, that would require creating a consistent system where demonstrated effort leads to predictable, outlined results.

So, there you have it – top six strategies to attract the right talent to your company and keep these valuable individuals within the organization for as long as possible. Keeping in mind the complexities of the current labor market this will not be an easy job but this is one of the business processes you should never rush through. The employees make the heart pump blood through the veins of your business. If you are unable to assemble the crew of people rising to the occasion, all of your subsequent efforts will fall flat.

By Olivia Bradley

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