What weapons did any country send to Ukraine?

Initially, Russia deployed troops on the Ukrainian border. That’s when Western nations, including the United States, began arming Kiev.

On February 24, at the behest of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian forces launched a special military operation in Ukraine.

Many speculated that Russian forces in Ukraine would easily be able to achieve the ‘desired goal’. But the reality was not so. Ukrainian forces were able to build strong resistance against Russian forces, especially with the help of weapons supplied by Western countries.

The Russia-Ukraine war has been going on for about three and a half months. At that time, several countries sent weapons to Ukraine. The United States has recently announced plans to send a state-of-the-art rocket launcher to Ukraine.

In Ukraine, Russian forces are now focusing on the eastern part of the country. Russian forces are launching a major offensive in Severodonets, the capital of Danbas. Western nations, including the United States, are sending weapons with the help of Ukrainian troops to change the course of the war in the region.

Despite promises of cooperation from the West, Kiev says it does not have enough weapons. The government has called for more weapons to be sent.

Last Sunday, Ukraine said it had entered a protracted war with Russia. In this situation, not once, but continuously, Kiev needs military assistance.
It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Because no country has sent arms despite the declaration. Again, no country has kept secret the issue of sending arms to Ukraine. The following is a list of countries that have reported arms shipments to Ukraine.

United States

The United States is the largest supplier of arms and military equipment to Ukraine. The United States said last week it was sending high-mobility artillery rockets to Ukraine at Kiev’s request. It is said that with this weapon, Ukrainian troops will be able to hit distant targets. However, Ukraine will not be able to invade Russian territory with this weapon.

Last month, the US Congress approved a Thousand 4 trillion aid fund for Ukraine. The fund includes 800 million in arms assistance packages. The United States is sending rockets to Ukraine under this aid package.
The United States has so far sent 4.5 billion worth of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine since the start of the war. The weapons the United States has so far sent to Ukraine include 72 155mm Howitzers, 72 armored vehicles, 144,000 rounds of ammunition, and more than 120 Phoenix drones. The United States recently built the drone with Ukraine in mind.

In addition to military helicopters, military armored vehicles, 1,400 anti-aircraft Stinger weapons, 5,000 anti-tank missiles, thousands of guns and ammunition, the Biden administration has promised to send more weapons to Ukraine.


Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the Turkish-made military drone TB2 has become especially popular. Video footage of Ukrainian drones using Russian drones to destroy Russian armored vehicles and artillery has been widely circulated online.

Kiev says the Russian warship Moscow’s defenses were destroyed by Turkish drones in mid-April. The warship was later hit by a missile. The warship sank.

Before the war, Ukraine had 20 drones. But in March, Kiev said it was getting more Turkish-made drones. However, the number was not announced then.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is sending long-range missiles to Ukraine. The United Kingdom said on Monday it was sending three long-range M260 rockets to Ukraine.

On May 20, the UK government said it had pledged ৬ 568 million in military assistance to Ukraine.

The aid for Ukraine includes 120 armored vehicles, 5,600 anti-tank missiles, 5 air defense systems, 1,000 rockets and 4.5 tons of explosives.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has promised to send electronic weapons to Ukraine. These include counter-battery radar systems, GPS jamming equipment and thousands of night vision devices.

The United Kingdom says it has trained more than 22,000 Ukrainian troops.


Canada has sent 200 million in military aid to Ukraine since the war began. In late May, the Canadian government announced that it was sending 20,000 artillery shells to Ukraine with M7 Howitzer. The aid is being provided to increase Ukraine’s combat capability in Danbas.

In addition, Canada has sent drone cameras, guns, ammunition, high-end satellite imagery, rocket launchers, several thousand hand grenades and two warplanes to Ukraine.


German Chancellor Olaf Schultz said last week that he had decided to send an air defense system to Ukraine to protect a major city from Russian airstrikes. Schultz also said that a tracking radar system capable of detecting enemy artillery shells would be deployed in Ukraine. However, Germany has been accused of slowing arms shipments to Ukraine.

Before the war, Germany said it would not send weapons to Ukraine. However, when the war broke out, Germany said it would send weapons to Ukraine for self-defense. In late April, Olaf Schultz’s government announced that it would provide Ukraine with weapons to counter-attack enemy forces. Germany later agreed to send Howitzer and tanks to Ukraine.


Spain sent 200 tons of military equipment to Ukraine last April. This includes 30 trucks, several trucks capable of carrying heavy equipment and 10 small vehicles loaded with military equipment.


In mid-April, the French government said it had sent more than 106 million worth of military equipment to Ukraine.

One week later, French President Emmanuel Macho announced plans to send more aid to Ukraine. Assistance includes anti-tank missiles Milan and Howitzer.

Last week, Ukraine’s Senate was informed that France had sent six Howitzers. France is also reported to have sent anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine.

Nordic countries

Norway has sent 100 French-made anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine. Besides, they have sent 4,000 anti-tank weapons called M72.
Sweden announced in late February, just days after Russia’s invasion, that it would send 10,000 disposable anti-tank launchers to Ukraine. At the same time will send equipment to destroy mines.

Sweden and Finland have applied to join the Western military alliance NATO over security concerns following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In February, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Finland announced that it would send 25,000 rifles, 1.5 million rounds of ammunition and 1,500 anti-tank launchers to Ukraine. Within a month of the war, Helsinki said it would send more weapons to Ukraine. However, the country did not say how many weapons they would send.

Three days after the start of the war, Denmark announced that it would send 2,600 anti-tank launchers to Ukraine.

Later, during a visit to Kiev, the Prime Minister of Denmark, Matt Frederickson, said that an additional 68 million in arms would be provided to Ukraine. According to Washington, Denmark is planning to send Harpoon, an anti-ship missile capable of hitting targets at a distance of 300 km.

Neighbor of Ukraine

Poland has said it will send 1.8 billion worth of weapons to Ukraine. It contains tanks. However, the country did not give an account of how many tanks they sent. According to Polish and US media reports, Warsaw has sent more than 200 tanks to Ukraine. Poland has become the second largest supplier of arms to Ukraine after the United States. The country has said it will send anti-tank missiles, mortars, drones and ammunition to Kiev.

Ukraine’s other neighbor Slovakia has sent weapons to Ukraine. The country has already said it will send 164 million worth of weapons to Ukraine. The country has also agreed to supply Kiev with at least eight Howitzer cannons.

Baltic states

Latvia has sent 214 million worth of military equipment to Ukraine since the Russian invasion. These include ammunition, anti-aircraft missiles, stingers and launch pads, unidentified warplanes and drones.

Hundreds of Lithuanians have raised funds for Ukraine. The funds will be used to buy Turkish-made war drones and supply them to Ukraine.. . . . .

Another Baltic state, Estonia, has sent 244 million in arms to Ukraine. The country has said it will send anti-tank missiles such as javelins, howitzers, anti-tank mines, anti-tank guns, conventional guns and ammunition to Ukraine.

Central and Eastern Europe

Slovenia announced in late February that it was sending Kalashnikov guns and ammunition to Ukraine. The country also negotiated with Germany about sending many Soviet-era tanks to Ukraine. Instead, the country demanded cars to carry German tanks and troops. So far, however, the two countries have not officially announced the agreement.

Bulgaria has not yet officially sent military equipment to Ukraine. Bulgaria has been unable to formally send arms to Ukraine due to opposition from pro-Russian socialists.

The Czech Republic has sent 152 million worth of military aid to Ukraine. They also said they plan to send another 30 million in aid. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says the Czech Republic has sent military helicopters and rocket launchers to Ukraine. Prague says Czech companies will repair Ukrainian tanks.

Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Italy

Belgium says it has sent 5,000 automatic rifles and anti-tank weapons to Ukraine.

The Netherlands said in late February that it had promised to send 200 Stinger missiles to Ukraine. The country said in April that it would send some Howitzers to Ukraine.

According to the agreement with Germany, Greece will send some Soviet-era tanks to Ukraine. Instead, Germany will give Greece their state-of-the-art vehicle. Greece has also sent 400 Kalashnikov rifles, rocket launchers and ammunition to Ukraine.

Italy is also sending arms to Ukraine. However, the country is not saying anything about it.
Based on Al-Jazeera

By Olivia Bradley

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