Factors To Take Into Account While Selecting A Payment Gateway

stc pay card

It’s crucial to pick the best payment gateway for your company. You can lose cash and users if you pick a gateway that isn’t compatible with your business plan.

Factors to take into account while selecting a payment gateway

You require a payment gateway to support the stc pay card.

The most crucial elements are as follows:


The entire cost you will spend should be your top priority when selecting a payment gateway. Three costs associated are:

  • Monthly
  • Set-up
  • Transaction

Both the quantity and stc pay value of your payments need to be taken into account to determine the most cost-effective alternative for your company.

It may be advantageous for organizations whose transaction values are often not very large; if they are, transaction costs could skyrocket. Make sure to search for payment gateways that provide solutions for a set monthly charge and a low handling fee if your firm deals with high-value transactions.

Permitted card types

Visa and American Express are the most widely used credit cards. There are several gateways that support these card kinds. However, you must confirm that the payment gateways handle stc pay that your clients frequently use to pay you, such as debit cards.

Holding time

Even though payments are typically authorized practically instantly, it takes several days before the funds are transferred to your account. It enables the processing of charge-backs and refunds. Based on the payment service provider, these holding times can vary from 1 to 7 days. Based on the cash flow, you can decide whether to wait or receive payment right now.

Support for multiple currencies

Ensure the payment gateway can process payments from numerous countries and in different denominations if you conduct business worldwide. Allowing your clients to pay in their currency is crucial. Check the costs associated with foreign currency transfers as well.

Recurring billing

Choose a payment gateway that can manage all the moving elements involved in stc pay if you operate a subscription-based business. Any supplier you pick must have the ability to save and save customer information for upcoming purchases, regularly charge credit cards by predetermined subscription schedules, and provide retry alternatives for unsuccessful transactions. If not, you might have to complete all of this extra work by hand.

Compared to not hosted

There are two types of payment gateways: off-site hosted and non-hosted. Each of these several hosting options for payment gateways has advantages and disadvantages of its own. Utilizing hosted gateways has the advantage of lowering the danger associated with holding sensitive data on your website. Although this is a significant benefit, the drawback is that sending your consumers to a different website lengthens the payment process by one more step. Customers could grow frustrated and give up if they go through this long process and their transaction fails due to a malfunction or other mistake. Because of this, companies with lots of transactions choose to integrate non-hosted payment gateways stc pay card into their stores.

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By Olivia Bradley

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