Why Use Microfiber Towels?

Why Use Microfiber Towels?

What is microfiber?

Microfiber is an artificial material. Split microfiber is the term for microfiber used for cleaning. Microfibers are 200 times thinner than a single human hair when split. In addition, these microfibers divide and create considerably more absorbent materials.

What does a microfiber towel offer?

They work on various problems and surfaces since they are gentle and absorbent. They can even be used to clean. According to Peterson, microfiber rags can eradicate up to 99 percent of bacteria, roughly three times as effective as regular cleaning cloths.

The Microfiber Towel’s Advantages for Skin and Hair

  1. On Skin, Microfibers Are Gentle

Use a soft, hardly abrasive towel because the skin on your face is considerably more fragile than the skin on the rest of your body. In addition, because microfiber strands are so tiny (approximately one-twentieth the diameter of silk), Bedding n Bath towels are sensitive and smooth against the skin (via Bustle).

  • Decreases frizz

If frizz has been a significant issue for you, the bedding n bath microfiber towel should be welcomed. Because of the soft feel, traditional towels can make your hair frizzy and build up a lot of static charges. Instead, the cuticles of your hair can stay nice and smooth, resulting in less of a frizzy appearance, thanks to the much softer and gentler nature of microfiber towels on your hair strands.

  • Enables gentle drying

Do you rub, pat, and do all sorts of other things to get your hair dry when using an ordinary towel to dry it. Indeed, these are destructive techniques to damage your hair because when you rub hair with regular towels, the cuticles of your hair lift and become damaged. On the contrary, the microfibers are gentle on your hair.

  • Reduces Damage

With a microfiber towel on your hair, you may use less force, resulting in significantly less breakage. The more careful you can be with hair, the more you can retain your strands and prevent them from breaking.

How much time should I spend drying my hair with a microfiber towel?

To remove the excess water from your hair, wrap your hair in the microfiber towel for 10 to 15 minutes. The hair may dry fast and with the least friction thanks to this method, which prevents cuticle or shaft damage.

How to Take Care of Microfiber Towels?

  After using them, please give them a quick rinse under warm water and hang them up to dry. Wash microfiber cloths separately or with other lint-free items when it comes time to do the laundry. Do not iron or use fabric softener. The efficiency of the microscopic fibers will be decreased as a result. Your face towel should provide you with many months of gentle face cleaning if you take good care of it and clean it regularly.

You should be aware of the following:

  1. The first time you use a cloth, don’t use excessive force. Although they are fluffy and soft, microfiber towels are an excellent facial exfoliant.
  2. Avoid bleaching it. Because microfibers are synthetic, bleach might cause your microfiber to burn.
  3. Avoid drying it in the dryer. Let your microfiber washcloths air dry after washing them; if you dry them, they could stiffen and become less valuable.
  4. Avoid using strong chemicals on them because doing so will dull the fabric.

Final Words!

 More dirt and bacteria can be gathered and absorbed by Bedding n Bath microfiber towels than by any other fabric. It can absorb up to seven times its weight in dirt or liquid. Polyester and Polyamide are the two fundamental fibers used to make microfiber fabric.

Every square inch of the Microfiber surface has hundreds of thousands of microscopic “hooks” that draw dirt and filth like a magnet. Performing them as part of your daily routine can offer your skin a distinct sense of cleanliness and regeneration. Because of this, our washcloths are made entirely of microfiber for exceptional quality and tenderness for daily usage. Additionally, they dry incredibly quickly compared to regular cotton terry towels, making them perfect for everyday use and travel while preventing the spread of microorganisms. 

By Olivia Bradley

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