Guide to Implementing self-service in agile software development – How to Guide

Traditional centralized development environments have been the way for software developers to stay organized and productive. They have also been the safest way for employees to access their source code. However, as software development has become more digitized, so has self-service become a necessity. We are all about embracing change and working towards a more agile world. But even with the adoption of Agile processes, there is still work to be done when it comes to improving productivity and team collaboration. That’s where software self-service comes in; it makes working on teams less intimidating and provides a safer environment for keeping code safe and secure while also enabling fast, iterative feedback loops between teams and developers. Read on to learn how you can implement this in your own organization as a tech product owner!

What is software self-service?

Software self-service is a model that enables developers to access their source code online, from any device, any time, from any location. This may include on-premise software, cloud-based software, or even within an electric vehicle. What’s more, teams can work together to author and maintain the software ecosystem.

Help optimize software delivery with automation

When working on larger teams, it can be difficult to get everyone on the same page. With too many people using different tools, toolsets, and processes, communication and collaboration can become challenging. That’s where software self-service comes into play. By creating a culture where developers can work together with no fear of being disconnected, slow or Fusion being overloaded, teams can deliver more at scale and with greater efficiency.

So, why adopt software self-service in agile development?

As software development becomes more digitized, so has self-service have become a necessity. While in the past, the only way to access a developer’s work was to walk into a manager’s office and ask for their code, today’s developers are expected to be more digital, using code-driven tools and environments. With self-service, developers can now access their source code from their computer, phone, or any custom-built device. This may include on-premise software, cloud-based software, or even within an electric vehicle. What’s more, teams can work together to author and maintain the software ecosystem.

Self-serve for greater transparency and accountability

Transparency is a key factor for any business to function effectively. In an environment where information is scarce, transparency can be a lifesaver. By making source code available for review and modification by all team members, regardless of role, documentation becomes more valuable. Transparency promotes accountability and root-cause analysis, two key factors for effective software development. With source code transparency, any team member can easily see how a feature or bug fix was implemented. This is particularly useful for managers who want to be able to identify where their teams are failing.

Self-Service Roadmap

The momentum gained from implementing software self-service requires a step-by-step approach. To maximize efficiency and ROI, it’s critical to have a self-service strategy in place that targets the strategic goals of your organization. The following are some key considerations to keep in mind as you map out your software self-service strategy: What is the overall business objective? How many employees do you anticipate? How much time and money do you have? How do you want to make your team’s life easier?


agile software development with self-service has come a long way in the past few years, enabling teams to collaborate easily and access source code from any device. And it’s only going to get better.

By Olivia Bradley

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