5 of the Best Apartment Plants to Freshen Up the Space

apartment plants

There are so many ways to add to an apartment space to truly make it your own. Whether you’re into interior design or hanging up intriguing art, it’s important to put your personal touch on your apartment. 

If you’re looking for ways to freshen up your apartment space and make it feel natural, all you need to do is add plants. 

Luckily, there are tons of plants that are apartment-friendly that you can add to your space. Here are five of the best apartment plants to freshen up the space. 

1. Pothos 

Pothos are beautiful vine plants that are perfect for any space. You can place your pothos in any type of light and they should thrive. Not to mention that you only need to water pothos about once a week. 

Pothos are known for their air purifying qualities. So if you’re looking to freshen up the air in your home, pothos is a great plant for that.

Not to mention that you can customize your pothos to fit your space. Since pothos is a type of vine, they can creep their way into intricate shapes and patterns. If you’re looking to create an ethereal and natural space, pothos is a great plant to do that. 

For more inspiration on creating an ethereal aesthetic in your living space, check out these tips from The Home Blog

2. Aloe Vera 

Another low-maintenance plant, aloe vera is a wonderful plant to spruce up your apartment. Aloe vera requires minimal light and watering, making it an easy plant to keep up with. 

You can also grow aloe vera and use the aloe inside for skin care. Aloe helps treat sunburns and gives your skin a natural glow. You can even add aloe to your drinks for some extra freshness. 

There are many different types of aloe plants that you can get. They even come in different colors like bright oranges and deep purples. So you should always be able to find an aloe plant that fits your aesthetic. 

3. Snake Plant 

If you’re looking for apartment plants that work hard to purify your air, then look no further than a snake plant. Snake plants are perfect for the corner of your bedroom. They release oxygen during the night, which leads to better air quality and a good night’s sleep. 

Snake plants are also easy to take care of, and only need watering about once a month. Just make sure you give it a drink now and then so it can continue freshening up your space. 

4. Fiddle Leaf Fig 

Fiddle leaf figs are not only beautiful apartment plants to have in your home, but they also work hard at purifying the air around you. If you really want to freshen up your apartment, a fiddle leaf fig is a great addition. Unlike some of the other plants on our list, fiddle leaf figs do acquire a little TLC. You’ll need to keep it out of direct sunlight and water it often. You can also mist its leaves to keep it healthy and thriving. 

These apartment plants look best as little trees and can help turn forgotten corners into beautiful little spots in your apartment. Fiddle leaf figs help filter out chemicals found in household plastics, so they’re perfect for keeping your apartment fresh. 

5. Calathea Ornata 

If you’re looking to add a bit of color and intrigue to your plant collection, check out calathea ornata. Also known as a prayer plant, the leaves have beautiful dark green and pink stripes.

These also do well in low light and don’t require a green thumb to keep them thriving. They just require a routine watering to keep them happy. If you’re looking for beautiful plants to add some fresh colors to your apartment, calathea is a great choice. 


Adding plants to your apartment not only makes it look more put together but also cleans the air in the process. Household items can hold chemicals that you don’t always want to breathe in, and adding plants to the mix can make the air more pleasant and fresh. Try one of the plants from our list to freshen up and enjoy your apartment space. 

By Olivia Bradley

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