Massage for pregnant women – what you need to know

Massage is one of the most effective, extensively tested and natural that contributes to health and well-being; It is also known to treat aches and pains, muscle tension and high levels of stress experienced by pregnant women. Yes, pregnancy massage or prenatal massage as it is commonly called has proven to be one of the most effective ways to treat certain pregnancy related genes. Besides eliminating physical problems, it leaves you calm and relaxed. So what are these massages about? How effective are they? Can they be made at home? How is it different from normal massage? Here’s everything you need to know about prenatal massage:

What is prenatal massage?

For a woman, pregnancy brings completely new things to her life and on top of that, back pain, leg cramps, stress, mood swings etc. Less unpleasant things come. Prenatal or pregnancy massage is used to reduce these discomforts and make the journey to motherhood easier and less tiring. Specially designed for expectant mothers, this massage uses light massage movements with special oils to focus on their overall health and relieve them of stress, anxiety and pain.

Why prenatal massage? Although the concept of 스웨디시 has existed for centuries, this type of massage is quite new and is gaining popularity. Many pregnant women around the world are embracing this therapeutic massage for the many benefits it offers.

The various benefits of pregnancy massage include:

– Helps your body naturally release endorphins formed in the body to reduce pain.

– Stress is a common feature during pregnancy and these massages help reduce stress significantly; While it lowers stress hormones, it also tries to secrete good hormones like serotonin.

Therefore, prenatal massage promotes good blood circulation in the body,

 relieves edema and swelling in the legs and other parts of the body. The kneading effect of the massage helps to eliminate water retention, which is an important catalyst for swelling in pregnant women.  Massage is an excellent mood lift and stress reliever. Helps control anxiety and stress levels. In addition, gentle movements on the stomach relax the baby.  Don’t worry if you have insomnia or pregnancy-related insomnia. This massage provides good sleep, which is essential for the body during pregnancy. Another great advantage is that regular pregnancy massage prepares the muscles for childbirth and increases the flexibility of the joints.

Prenatal Massage Vs. general massage

While the results of both massages are relaxing and therapeutic, the techniques used for prenatal massage vary widely and should be performed with great care. Unlike general massage, prenatal massage involves lighter, softer and shorter movements on the abdomen, back and legs. The safety and comfort of mother and baby are of the highest priority, so massage uses less pressure and gentle movements for maximum benefit.

Benefits of home massage

Prenatal massage requires a lot of care and attention. The common belief is that only a licensed therapist can offer a custom massage like this. But the good news is that you don’t need to be a professional chiropractor to give you or your partner/spouse/family members a prenatal massage.

The biggest advantage of having a home prenatal massage is that you develop a better relationship with your partner/partner. This gives them the chance to attend one of the biggest events of your life and make your trip easier. Another advantage is that you can get these massages for free whenever you want. The familiar and loving touch of your loved one can do wonders for your body and mind.

By Olivia Bradley

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