Most beautiful flowers in the world

Most beautiful flowers in the world

There are a huge number of flowering plants in the world, which sometimes amaze with their beauty. In this review, we have collected the very best flowers in the whole wide world – some can be grown at home, others can only be seen once in a lifetime, and then on distant islands. But all of them are united by something in common – they are the most beautiful, unusual and majestic. Here are the most beautiful flowers in the world that have inhabited our planet for more than one thousand years and are a wonderful echo of the past.

Kadupul – the most beautiful flower in the world


A very delicate, fragile flower, which is admired exclusively on the vine. It blooms for only a couple of days every few years and grows in Sri Lanka. The plant is sacred and it is considered good luck to see it bloom. If you try to pick this flower, the petals will be damaged, and it will lose its incredible beauty.

White Lotus

White Lotus

Incredibly beautiful flowers growing in water. Its inflorescences are held on a porous tubular stem and sway on the waves of the Ganges and other rivers of Asia, the Far East and Africa. Plant-paradox – growing out of muddy silt, passing through dirty water, it is a symbol of purity and is considered sacred in Egypt, India and other countries.



This is a South African flower from the Asteraceae family, which has taken root perfectly in the flower beds of the northern hemisphere. Low, but very decorative, the flower bushes or creeps, tolerates periods of drought well and pleases the owner with bright yellow-orange inflorescences throughout the warm season. There may be more shades – pink, red, white, etc.

Rainbow roses

Rainbow roses

This plant is the creation of the hands of flower growers, and not nature, but this does not diminish its beauty. An ordinary white rose is turned into a rainbow, nourishing the plant in a special way with nutrient solutions with dyes. The result is impressive, but the process of growing such a miracle is quite complicated and not accessible to everyone.

Egret orchid

Egret orchid 

The Far East, Japan and China are the birthplace of this unusual orchid. The blooming flowers clearly resemble the wings of a flying heron. Breeders managed to breed plants of this species with other shades of flowers, but the most popular is still the white orchid. It is rather difficult to grow it on the windowsill, but experienced amateur flower growers can try their hand at this business.



This bright and unusual plant comes from Africa. It is so popular with the locals that it has even become a symbol of South Africa. In addition to a bright pink with yellow and blue flowers, it is famous for producing a huge amount of nectar by its standards. At home, it is called a “barrel of honey”, but even in our latitudes, the protea can please with its flowering, provided that suitable conditions are provided.

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This flower has pointed bright orange petals and large leaves. It is perfectly cultivated at home, and in summer it can be planted or taken out in flowerpots outside. The plant contains poisonous substances, so if there are children or pets in the house, it should be out of their reach.

Amorphophallus titanic 

Amorphophallus titanic 

A unique plant, formerly endemic to the island of Sumatra, has now been introduced to many botanical gardens around the world. Flowering can be seen every few years, the flower is a huge, up to 3 m, vertical cob with a veil around, the diameter of which reaches 3 m. The flower is located on a thick petiole 2-5 m tall and is rightfully called one of the largest in the world. Amorphophallus blooms for only 2 days and during this time exudes the smell of rotting meat and fish to attract pollinating insects.



A beautiful dark red flower, which in the homeland of growth has gained the notoriety of the “flower of the dead.” Despite the gloomy nickname, it is actively cultivated all over the world, planted in gardens, in flower beds and in pots.



The first plant on our list, which, in addition to beautiful flowers, also brings delicious fruits. Passionflower liana is grown in southern regions or at home around the world, and it has spread from Asia, South America and Australia.

Aquilegia Colombian

Aquilegia Colombian

And this plant can be found in amateur flower beds in the northern hemisphere. It is also known as the columbine and comes in many different shades, from soft white, blue and lilac to red and burgundy. Aquilegia comes with simple and double flowers, it does not smell, but it will decorate any flower garden.

African daisies

African daisies

The appearance of these flowers is truly alien – the petals of chamomile inflorescences are folded into a tube in the middle, which creates a rounded teardrop shape at their ends. The closest relative of this fancy flower is calendula, and the color of the petals can be white, pink, lilac, purple.



The plant attracts red and pink flowers collected in panicles. Strictly speaking, it is the bracts that are most decorative, and the flowers are small and inconspicuous. Bromeliads are easy to grow at home and require only watering, with other conditions there will be no problems. The plant propagates by shoots, each baby will be able to please with flowering already 1-2 years after planting.



It prefers a tropical and hot climate; if desired, it can be grown in northern latitudes (in the summer on the street, in the winter in a pot in the house). This shrub has a very decorative appearance – during the flowering period, it is simply dotted with fragrant hanging flowers up to 30 cm in length. Despite the fact that Brugmansia is a direct relative of Datura, it looks much more interesting and majestic.



An evergreen plant with fiery red or yellow flowers will brighten up any window sill. The tropics are considered its homeland, but subject to simple rules, it is easy to acquire such a plant at home. Many types of ixora smell pleasant, while inflorescences can reach from 8 to 20 cm or more, depending on the type and conditions of detention.

Read More About: 10 Non Green Plants Names And Examples

By Kashvi

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