Local games that bring people close, happy and entertained

Games to play

There is a world of games that are created for people to play together, not compete against each other. These games are designed to promote and positively reinforce people in their relationships, families and communities. They have been shown through the years to help reduce crime rates, break up fights, prevent racism, improve literacy levels and even facilitate business revenue.

Word Squares:

Let your children create word squares by taking one word and having them connect it to another word with a line and make a square. The words that they connect will show how their minds work together. By doing this activity, you will be able to find out how your child’s brain functions. This can help you to understand why your child does certain things or reacts in certain ways.  A child’s mind is complex enough without them experiencing negative issues such as stress and low SES (socio-economic status).  The key to success is helping your children develop in every area.

The Sentence Game:

The sentence game is a way for you to understand what your kids are learning. It works wonderfully because you can play it with your child in more than one language (meaning you can play it in English, Spanish or French). Here’s how to play. Start off by saying, “I’m going to play the sentence game.” Then, choose a word that starts with the letter that was just said. Continue to say “where?” as many times as necessary until someone says the correct answer. This is a fun way for your children to learn and have fun at the same time. So these are the games that you can play with your family and friends but what if we talk about the local games that were played on the streets now transform into an online mode? for that entertainment, we created wpc2027 we manage it by wpc2027 live dashboard.


Scattergories is a game in which you list words that fit the category provided by other players. It’s perfect for kids and adults, and allows them to compete with each other. This game can promote teamwork and communication for any group of people. This can help understand how your kids function together as friends or family members, or how your friends or business partners work together.  It will show you how your friends interact with one another, or how effective your family unit works as a whole.

Scavenger Hunt:

Scavenger Hunt is a fun game where the object is to find items or specific people that are listed on paper at certain locations around town. You can play the game with friends, or with people, you just meet at the locations. There is no team that wins or loses, it’s just a lot of fun. Pair up and find as many items as you can in one hour.

The Name Game:

The name game is a simple game where you think of the first letter of a boy or girl’s full name and the last letter of their last name and try to find them in the room.

For example Mary and Brian, Mary is all A’s, Brian all E’s, Mary would be A.B. You can find more information about it on Urban Dictionary .

The Game Of The Month:

This game is also called “Name That Body Part”. It is played by simply putting all your guests in an open space, and throwing ketchup bottles across the room with their names on them. The object of this game is to guess which body part that was thrown off from where it landed.

Walmart BINGO:

BINGO is a fun game that you can play at any kind of gathering. Have the people stand up and be counted in order. You will see them put their hands up or write down their numbers on paper. Then each person must find someone who shares the same number as them, this is how you win the game.

The People’s Choice Winner:

This is an easy game where you ask your friends if they would like to join in, if they say yes then they are in and must participate in whatever the group decides to do for the night. This way you can have a good time together and build better friendships.

Example: How to start

” I think that everyone knows everyone else here so we want to have a chance to say hello, what do you guys think?”  The person who responds with “I’m game!” gets to be the first person who is called for the conversation. On a sheet of paper write down the names of your friends and the order they are on their list. Then invite them all to come up one at a time and introduce themselves while standing in front of their list.

By Olivia Bradley

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