Approaching Art Galleries: A Guide for Artists

Are you an artist and want to show your art to the world? Then, approaching an art gallery is one of the best options for showcasing your work. An art gallery increases the visibility of your work in front of an audience that can be your client in the future.  

Approaching an art gallery to showcase your work can be challenging as it involves different processes beforehand, but once you grasp the procedure, there won’t be any problem. Therefore, you must understand every process linked with approaching an art gallery with your art. Note that each art gallery operates differently and has a set of rules, but they all function similarly.  

This guide highlights some approaches to showcasing your paintings in an Art Gallery. 

1. Researching Your Target Galleries 

Take some time to focus on understanding how do art galleries work and on galleries you believe would be a perfect fit for your work. Discover details about the owner, curator, director, and submission guidelines.  

After collecting all the information, you can start by drafting an inquiry letter. For crafting a letter, you must include a brief overview of your background, your work samples, an artist statement, a link to your website, and a justification for why you believe their gallery will benefit from your work.  

In case you don’t hear anything, take a follow-up. Receiving feedback is always helpful. Don’t let negative feedback deter you from submitting your work to galleries. Whatever the outcome, always act politely and respectfully. Ask if there is anything you can do to improve it. 

2. Developing Relationship with the Gallery 

Try visiting many art exhibitions to introduce yourself to the curators and gallery owners. Make new connections with other artists and appreciate their creations. A relationship can help you get into art galleries that are looking for contemporary artists, as they do not advertise calls for artist submissions. This might happen by chance from another artist; therefore, it’s good to form a network proactively.  

Keep track of the art you see in galleries, especially your top corners where you would like to exhibit your work. Some galleries may prefer a particular style; therefore, keep inquiring about what people seek, but don’t stress tailoring your work to one’s opinion.  

Small art galleries are a great stepping stone if you’re seeking to get your art into a gallery. A coffee shop exhibition is something you can put on your resume to use as an invitation to potential gallery directors. Print out an invitation with a picture of your artwork and send it to the appropriate individuals. 

3. By Utilizing Local Resources 

The municipal arts council is an excellent resource for open requests for artist submissions. The provincial, state and federal arts councils also offer a network online where you can find opportunities and resources to displaying your work. 

The materials you need to make your art and safely transport it for each exhibition may be expensive. As a result, you can apply for programs the art council runs to support and finance your regional artistic endeavors.  

4. Creating a Solid Online Presence Before Submitting Art to Galleries 

When it comes to promoting and sending artwork to galleries, having an online presence is crucial. Make sure you have a website domain name that is uniquely yours. If you’ve ever had your artwork displayed somewhere, make sure to include your portfolio with the necessary contact information, biography, and artist statement. You can customize your website to sell prints directly, enhancing your reputation in the art world and earning extra money.  

5. Selling Art in a Gallery with an Effective Elevator Pitch 

Practice your pitch if you want to start selling your artwork to art galleries. You must confidently discuss your work, sources of inspiration, and themes as the main elements in less than 30 seconds. 

You never know when someone will ask for your business cards, so keep some on hand. Make them fit your style; giving someone a small piece of your artwork is a great chance. When it comes to content, you must include your name, your website, and your contact details. Being up to date can help you achieve your goal of selling your paintings. 

Be polite and avoid spamming with calls and emails as you have to introduce yourself at the right place. Avoid contacting on weekdays as ideal times to contact busy people are on weekends. 

6. Bringing Your Audience  

When visiting a gallery, be sure to bring your audience. You can create this on your own, especially with the help of internet resources or events. Build connections and keep a record of the people who express interest in your work. An artist should constantly be developing their fan base and be able to maintain control over it. The gallery must also be crowded to let people know about your work. 

The Bottom Line  

The value of art galleries cannot be underestimated because they are essential for an artist to display their masterpieces. Audiences would be unable to get the creations that the artists created without them. So, to get into the top art gallery, follow the guide mentioned above and be patient. 

By Olivia Bradley

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