Why Are Teenagers Taking Up Vaping, and What Motivates Them? IVG bar

IVG bar

According to the new statistics, one in fifteen teenagers is a vapor. It’s a very alarming situation why most teenagers are getting involved in IVG bar disposable vaping. There is a need to know the reasons behind this. The research shows that 21% of teenage girls are into vaping in 2022, which is double compared to the research of 2018. In 2018, only 10% of teenage girls were into vaping. It is observed that the number of teenage girls into vaping is double that of boys.

On the other hand, the number of smokers declined from 5% to 3% in England in the last 3 to 4 years. IVG bar disposable Vaping is indeed the best and safe alternative to smoking, but you shouldn’t get involved if you are under 18. Disposable vapes could be the best vape devices for new vapers because of their easiness. You can use them whenever you want because there is no charging required in these vape devices.

Why Teenagers Are Getting Into Vaping:

There are several reasons behind this. This blog will further explain that what are those reasons that teenagers are getting involved in vaping. Vaping is only suitable for people who are into smoking. If you are not a smoker and are under 18, there is no need to start vaping. Disposable vapes or other nicotine-containing products are strictly restricted for teenagers.

Academic Stress:

Academic stress could be one of the reasons for the involvement of teenagers in vaping. In the teenage, most teenagers face this issue, and they try to find an alternative to deal with this issue. In the UK, most teenagers start vaping because they think that they can overcome this issue by doing it. Vaping is not healthy for teenagers, they need to avoid it. They need to take part in co-curricular activities and different games, which are the only best things they can do for themselves.

Peer Pressure:

Most teenagers start vaping due to peer pressure because they spend the most time with their friends. They learn from eachother and pick the things. For example, there is a group of teenagers; in that group, if three people are vaping but two are not, then there are more chances that those two can also start vaping because of the group pressure. It is the responsibility of the parents that they need to keep an eye on their children.

Vaping Is Good For The Smokers:

On the other hand, disposable vaping is the best alternative to smoking. If you are into smoking, you should start vaping because vaping is also helpful in quitting smoking. The nicotine in disposable vapes like crystal bar or other vape devices is safer because of its no harmful elements. The e-liquid in the vapes passes through the lab process, and all the harmful elements are wiped out.

On the other hand, the nicotine in regular cigarettes is harmful due to the burning process involved in smoking. There are different harmful elements like tar and carbon monoxide in traditional cigarettes that can cause health issues. So, smoking regular cigarettes is more like putting your life in danger. It will be best if you start vaping to quit smoking, and there is no risk involved.


It is important to note that you shouldn’t start vaping if you are a teenager. Unfortunately, if you are vaping, you need to decrease your intake and try other alternatives to deal with the problems like stress and anxiety. Vaping is only a good option for smokers because they can quit smoking this way. It will be better for new vapers if they use disposable vapes such as elux mini.

By Olivia Bradley

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