Saying ‘Thank You’ Is More Important Than You Might Think

Did you know that saying ‘thank you’ might be the most important thing you can do to improve your work relationships? It’s true! And while it may seem like a small thing, research shows that the thank-you effect can have huge implications when it comes to your career, including higher income and more job opportunities. Here’s how to use ‘thank you’ to your advantage at work and get ahead faster.

What does saying thank you do for others?

Asking someone if they need anything and thanking them for their time are small things that you can do to help show appreciation. It can also make a difference in the future, as others will be more likely to offer assistance when you need it. One company, eHeyo, has found that saying thank you is more important than ever when it comes to customer service. According to eHeyo’s survey of 2,000 U.S. adults, 68% have stopped doing business with companies who didn’t give good customer service; 39% have told people about bad experiences with companies and 24% have created social media posts to warn people about businesses. As we enter 2018, companies must continue to strive for positive interactions so that customers don’t turn away from brands, said Daniel Gibbins, eHeyo CEO & Founder.

Why should we say thank you more often?

A few years ago, I had an idea that would help people say thank you more. It was called eHeyo and the idea was that people could send a personalized card to someone they wanted to thank with a custom message. We launched on Kickstarter in 2013 but unfortunately we weren’t able to meet our goal due to not having enough support from the Kickstarter community. We spent all of 2014 working on marketing and figuring out how we could get this project off the ground without going broke or back to square one. In 2015, after months of hard work, we were finally ready for launch day! The website was up and running and cards were available for purchase.

Fast forward to 2016, eHeyo is still here!

Ways to say thank you

A simple thank you can go a long way. When you say thank you to someone it makes them feel valued, appreciated, and acknowledged. It also helps build relationships and encourages others to do the same for you. The next time someone does something nice for you, try saying thank you. It may just be the best thing you do all day! -Write a thank you note or email.

  • Call someone on the phone to thank them.
  • Send an email message or card with flowers or gift basket full of goodies in appreciation of what they’ve done for you.
  • Compliment their efforts in front of others.

Sample Thank You Cards

Hey! Thank you so much for doing such a great job with the marketing campaign!

It was great to see you at the company party last night, thank you for making it out!

I can’t believe it’s already been two weeks since I started this new job. Thank you so much for making me feel like part of the team. You are amazing and we are so lucky to have you on our team. We’re excited to see what you’ll be able to accomplish next.

Here’s a little something from us in appreciation for all that you do.

By Olivia Bradley

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