How To Write A Resignation Letter Format

Resignation Letter Format

Are you positive that you want to quit? Once you’ve made up your mind, be specific about why you’re resigning. If you really don’t want to stay, your confidence will assist you to avoid being persuaded by the company’s counter-offer. With the ready-to-use resignation letter examples provided below, you can say it with confidence.

Before you do that, though, have a look at this simple five-step approach to writing the ideal resignation letter, which includes resignation letter dos and don’ts.

How to write a resignation letter (Format)

Step 1 – Break the ice

The first phase is all about establishing a relationship. Make sure to convey your message clearly after the salutation.

Hi Sir/Ma’am/{your boss’ name},

I’m writing to confirm that I want to leave my position. Accept this letter as official notice that I’m leaving the position of [your designation] at [your company] effective immediately.

Step 2 – Give a tentative release date

Provide a possible release date based on your preferences. Additionally, provide a justification for the same.

If at all possible, kindly release me on “your last working day in accordance with your company’s policy”. Prior to beginning anything else, I have some personal work to finish.

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Step 3 – Thank your boss or supervisor

This is your moment to express gratitude to your supervisor for the chance.

I want to express my gratitude for giving me the chance to work in this position for the previous [insert the duration of your employment]. I really enjoyed and valued the possibilities I received inside the team, and it was lovely working with you.

I want to note that throughout my career, I have learned “certain abilities you obtained on the job, in your current function,” and I will proudly carry those skills with me.

Step 4 – Wrap it up nicely

Finish it off in the final paragraph.

I’ll ensure a smooth transition by finishing up all of my responsibilities within my official notice period and training my replacements/teammates. If there is anything else I can do while I’m here to facilitate a seamless transfer, kindly let me know.

I wish my coworkers and the business the best of luck, and I look forward to keeping in touch with you all in the future.

Step 5 – Give your final salutation

Don’t forget your final salutation.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,
{Your name}

Resignation letter sample

Sub: Resignation letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

My name is and I have been employed by in the department. I feel that I now need to resign after almost [number of years] in order to follow my academic interests.

I want to express my gratitude for giving me the chance to work with the Company name. It has been a pleasant and fruitful experience for me here. My personal and professional development has improved as a result of the numerous new abilities I have acquired. For “Company name,” where I currently work as a market research analyst, I have honed excellent analytical and critical thinking abilities. I have gained excellent insight into the significance of systematic analysis through running surveys and focus groups for diverse products. My recruiter, Mr. Amey Sane (or the name of your senior team member), who also serves as my team leader, has been very accommodating. He showed me the proper use of SPSS. My working atmosphere was also made fun of by the helpful employees and team members. They went over the rules, values, and responsibilities of the company with me. I really will miss everyone.

I really hope that my resignation will not inconvenience you in any way. I want to complete the target market analysis for “Product A” over the coming weeks. “Projects, Tasks, and Reports.” In order to make the transfer as easy as possible for you, I am also ready to assist you in any manner. If there is any way that I can help, kindly let me know.

Once more, it has been an honor for me to be linked with “Your organization.” I hope the future is successful for both the business and you.

{Your Name}

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By Olivia Bradley

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