How to encourage your child to speak confidently in English?

Children may usually feel shy or have trouble speaking English inside or outside their homes. Some young children may not want to make mistakes while speaking English, which can prevent them from expressing their ideas in English. Whatever the reason, parents need to take the responsibility of providing their children with the required ambiance and encouragement to make them speak English confidently.

Educate your child on speaking small English words.

When you combine small things, you can make a big thing, so teach your kids how to express their wishes in English using small words, such as I want water, I need food, etc. Even grownups make mistakes while speaking English, so ignore their errors and teach them how to speak correctly. Creating a positive atmosphere and allowing them to speak English without pressure will enable them to use the language confidently, even when you put them in a Montessori school.

Allow your child to answer small questions.

You can make your child answer some small questions in a single word. You can ask your kid’s name in English and teach the child to tell the name. It will help your child understand the language effortlessly. Provide a relaxed atmosphere for your child to answer your questions, meaning you need to give time to your kid to give reply to your questions.

Give liberty to your child while speaking English.

It means you should not interrupt your children while expressing their thoughts in English. You should not allow others, as well. Let your children articulate their ideas in the way they want in English. Most children will start expressing their feelings in English only with small words, especially one word, so encourage them to speak more once they are familiar with a single word.

Let your children use sentences they already know.

Provide an opportunity for your children to use English sentences they know and encourage them to use more by teaching them. You pay attention to what they understand in your instructions or what you ask them. If they do not understand, try to clarify their doubts in the first POV.

Let your children understand speaking English is a fun

Most children will be fond of doing things that create fun, so yours are no exception. You make them know speaking English is a fun and enjoyable activity. It will instill interest in them and allow them to express their wishes and ideas in English. It is wise to be patient while correcting their errors.  

Make the most of your journeys.

While traveling, you can teach some simple English words to your child. You can help them express what they see in English during travel, such as trees, cars, people, malls, etc. When you return home, you can help them recollect things they encountered during their journey. It will help them to keep those things in their minds and tell them to their friends in English with whom they play. The child can also remember those things throughout life.

Many kids usually like to study English in every school in Kuala Lumpur when the school provides them with English-speaking cartoons, music, films, or English books. Other schools in the country motivate kids to speak English with a group of toys and teach their names in English. Allow your children to know whatever they see or play with and know their English names. You encourage them to speak in English with them. You can also converse in English with the toys with which your child plays, thus making your kids follow the same procedure and helping them to express their views in English when they come across outside people.

By Olivia Bradley

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