Advantages and Disadvantages of this Advertising

Next we are going to review what are the advantages and disadvantages of using Ads in our online advertising strategy.

5 Advantages of Ads

Easy access. We only need a website or an app, an email address, a billing address and a bank account or debit or credit card.

There is no minimum or maximum investment. The budget is flexible and can be modified as many times as desired.

Great flexibility in all aspects of campaign Adwords management Melbourne and targeting.

Lots of targeting possibilities, which usually results in effective ads.

There is a training center and a certification program, through which marketing professionals and agencies can prove their worth and be accredited as experts.

5 Disadvantages of Ads

Google has a fairly restrictive editorial policy with certain types of services/products (adult services, games, violence, etc.). In these cases, it is necessary to find out in detail about said policy before thinking about starting a campaign and consult with a professional or with Google’s own agents.

In the event that Google suspends our account due to serious violations, it is very difficult to reactivate the advertising. Many of these suspensions are permanent, which prevents us from using Ads to advertise on a website.

If our product or service is not searched for and we cannot clearly identify websites where to place our ads, or if it is a product or service that is prohibited by Ads policies, then this platform will not work for us. Before launching a campaign you have to analyze if the product or service that you are going to promote is searched for, adapts to the sites where Ads advertising can appear and complies with Ads editorial policies.

Example of the first, a company that sells very specific and expensive machinery that only a small set of customers can buy.

Example of the second, promotion of weapons, alcoholic beverages, drugs, trafficking devices, anabolics, piracy, tobacco, illegal services, sexual services, counterfeits, politics, abortion and medications.

In highly competitive markets, bids can skyrocket and make campaigns unprofitable if not managed properly. Probably 25-30% of advertisers take 80% of customers, which in practice means that only a few campaigns are really profitable on an ongoing basis.

The continuous evolution of the market and online advertising has turned Google Ads into a complex tool, it has become professional and its domain requires a lot of time. Success with Ads is not guaranteed. Creating and launching a campaign is relatively simple, but making it work and get good results is much more complicated.


It is important to remember that with Google Ads you only get visits, and if you do it right, very qualified visits. But from the visit to the sale at a distance.

If the products that your company sells are already working without Google Ads, surely advertising on Google can be a very effective solution to boost sales. Or if you have ongoing campaigns that are not done by professionals, surely hiring an expert will increase their performance.

Having a good product or service, a good website and running Ads well is the key to success. For this reason, it is very important to put yourself in the hands of a professional who can optimize your campaigns to the maximum and make your advertising investment as profitable as possible.

By Olivia Bradley

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