Benefits of Purchasing Garage Parking Lights

If you own a commercial parking lot, switching to an LED lighting system is a good idea. A light-emitting diode (LED) is a type of bulb that emits light. Metal halide light bulbs are the most typical bulbs used in a business parking lot. Let’s take a quick look at metal halide lights before we get into the benefits of adopting LED as your preferred lighting system.

Lights Made of Metal Halide

Metal halide lights are created by combining metal and halogen components. Sodium iodide is the most often used metal halide chemical. The lights work by passing an electric current through a mixture of mercury vapor and metal halide gas, which produces light.

Because they have a high color temperature, they provide a higher light quality than prior types of lightbulbs, making them excellent for broad spaces. That was before the advent of LED lighting. Metal Halide Lights Have Drawbacks

There are a few red flags about metal halide lamps as well.

Warm-up Time

Unfortunately, turning on a metal halide light does not provide instant illumination. It can take up to 30 minutes for them to reach the proper operating temperature. During this time, you continue to expend the same amount of energy. When optimum lighting is essential, you must also prepare ahead. If the space is vast, such as a business parking lot, 30 minutes of energy consumption every day might mount up to a significant energy expense.

Lightbulbs’ Lifespan

Metal Halide light bulbs have a maximum operating life of 15,000 hours. When compared to ILBs (Incandescent Light Bulbs), which have a lifespan of only 1,000 hours, MH comes out on top. When metal halide light bulbs reach the 12,000-hour mark, they begin to flicker, producing less light and becoming less efficient. However, when you consider that a new LED will last at least 50,000 hours, it’s easy to see why they’re the better alternative.

The Light That Is Omnidirectional

Metal halide lamps are omnidirectional, meaning they emit light in all directions. In parking lot lighting, where your bulbs are primarily intended to illuminate an area right below them, 50% of the light will be directed in the wrong direction. The majority of this can be deflected by reflective bulbs, but you’re still squandering energy in the first place because you’re reflecting the same light, which doesn’t help efficiency.

Parking Lot Light Fixtures With LED’s

Installing innumerable LED fixtures for industrial-sized projects can make the difference and get you a solution to all the problems you have been facing. Want to know how? Let’s have a look at some benefits you get by installing effective parking garage lights:

Less Energy Consumption (Use Less Wattage)

When compared to their light cousins, LEDs require fewer watts to be completely powered. The chart shows how many watts are necessary to achieve a given level of brightness (lumens – a unit of brightness measurement).

Led Bulbs Require Less Frequent Replacement

LEDs, as previously indicated, have a far longer lifespan than ILBs and metal halide light bulbs combined. They will require less maintenance and will need to be replaced at a slower pace if you install them on your commercial property.

Boost Your Property’s Security

There will be less crime and vandalism in an area that is well-lit. When you combine an LED lighting system with an outdoor security monitoring system, you will observe a tenfold reduction in criminal activity. You will save time and money by not having to clean up the mess left behind if vandalism is reduced.

Led Bulbs Require Less Frequent Replacement

LEDs, as previously indicated, have a far longer lifespan than ILBs and metal halide light bulbs combined. They will require less maintenance and will need to be replaced at a slower pace if you install them on your commercial property.

 Boost Your Property’s Security

There will be less crime and vandalism in an area that is well-lit. When you combine an LED lighting system with an outdoor security monitoring system, you will observe a tenfold reduction in criminal activity. You will save time and money by not having to clean up the mess left behind if vandalism is reduced.

Reduce Your Energy Usage.

LEDs require less electricity to create optimal light, as we’ve already demonstrated. They save you money on your energy bill by using less power.

Including Solar Power in the Mix

A solar-powered generator can be fully integrated with an LED parking lot lighting system. A solar-powered system combined with a generator should be built if you want to dramatically lower your energy bill by taking full advantage of Florida’s abundant sunshine.

That way, you may save energy throughout the day and utilize it to power your parking lot lights at night!

Now that you know the benefits, the next thing for you in the line is searching for the best manufacturer and making your parking lot lit today!

By Olivia Bradley

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