Can A Disposable Vape Explode? | orange county cbd disposable

orange county cbd disposable

If you know about the vape industry, you might have heard prominent brand names like Aroma King, Crystal Pro Bar, Power Vape, Orange County CBD Disposable, etc. You can say that vapers are divided into two groups: those who love disposable vape devices and others who prefer reusable vape kits. The decision of device selection is subjective to each user.

What Happens If Vape Kit Drops Into Water:

Every vaping device works on certain essential components; it will not work if anyone malfunctions. These primary parts are the battery, coil, and e-juice. Vape kits are electronic devices since the battery generates current to heat the coil. Like any other electronic device, water does not do good to a vape kit.

Aftermaths Of Soaked Vape Device:

This stage also depends on the type of vape device used, whether a disposable or reusable kit. Crystal Pro Bar disposables are usually small, cylindrical, and compact; they can be seen as a one-piece kit. On the other hand, reusable kits have the option to remove one or more parts and refill or replace them. 

The chances of the water getting into a reusable vape with a few joining points are higher than it getting into a disposable kit. It also depends on the time it spent underwater; if the device was picked out of the water within a few seconds, the chances of redemption might increase. Here are a few vape parts that mostly get affected after getting in contact with water:


The battery generates current, and if any liquid seeps into it, it ceases to work properly or entirely. Although avoiding such situations is the best, you cannot always prevent it; there is a chance the vape kit might get soaked in the rain or slip from the hand into any water reservoir. In any case, dealing with the aftermath is necessary. 

If your Power Vape kit got wet for a few seconds only, clean the surface thoroughly and let it dry completely. Even if visible water droplets have been removed, there might still be some moisture, so giving the device a proper break is vital. If the battery is removable, detach and dry it with care; then use it after letting it rest for a sufficient while. 

E-liquid Tank:

The vape pod is made leak-proof, reducing the chances of liquids getting into and out of it. But if the vape device gets dropped into the water with pressure, some water might seep into it somehow. If just a little bit of water got into the e-liquid tank, it might not make the device completely useless, but it will decrease its efficiency. 

The vape liquid becomes impure when elements other than its essential ingredients mix in it. Water in the e-juice will disrupt the functioning of the coil, and, resultantly, adequate vapours will not be produced. 

So, it is better to let go of your disposable kit if it has been through a water trip. But, in the case of reusable devices, you should open the tank, empty it, rinse with warm water, clean it thoroughly, let it dry, and refill it with new, pure e-liquid. This way, you can use your vape kit again if the battery is not affected severely.


The water might seep into the atomiser and absorb in the wick or the coil. Since disposable vapes cannot be opened, you will need to purchase a new one if the soaked device is not working properly even after letting it dry. But for reusable vape kits, you have the advantage of replacing the coil with a new one.

If the Orange County CBD Disposable or Crystal Pro Bar gets dropped into the water, it will not explode unless you start taking puffs from it without giving it much time to dry. The chances of any battery explosion decrease significantly when the kit is cleaned and dried properly. 

You might also visit and show your device at any vape store to ask them if it is appropriate for use anymore or not. But never vape with a soaked vape kit after just a few minutes; it will either function poorly or explode.

By Olivia Bradley

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