Certain Do’s and Don’ts of Instagram.

Instagram is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their customers and grow their following. However, like any other social media platform, there are certain things you need to do in order to optimize your account for success. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the key tips for running a successful Instagram account.

What to post on Instagram

-Start by following the basic rules of Instagram etiquette: no nudity, no hate speech, no bullying, and no excessive violence.

-Post photos that represent your life and your interests.

-Use hashtags to help people find your posts more easily.

-Encourage followers to follow you back and like your photos.

-Make sure your photos are well composed and feature good lighting and camera angles.

If you’re looking to increase your Instagram following, then you should consider using Marketwillion. They offer a variety of services that can help you grow your following quickly and easily. They offer a variety of packages that are tailored to fit your needs. They also have a team of experts who can help you grow your account and reach your target audience.

How to create an aesthetically pleasing Instagram account

There are a few things you can do to make your Instagram account look its best. Follow these tips:

1) Use light colors and shades. Dark colors will make your photos look more serious, while light colors will make them look more cheerful.

2) Use filters to change the tone of your photo. For example, you can use a light filter to make your photo look bright and cheerful, or a dark filter to make it look more dramatic.

3) Follow other aesthetically pleasing Instagram accounts. Doing so will help you learn what looks good on social media and how to improve your own style.

4) Keep things simple. When designing your Instagram account, try to keep things as simple as possible so that your photos are easy to read and understand.

Tips for using hashtags correctly

Some of the most popular hashtags on Instagram are used for tagging specific images or posts with a keyword. By doing this, users can easily find their content when searching for related posts. However, hashtags should be used correctly in order to get the most out of them. Here are a few tips for using hashtags correctly:

-Hashtags should be used sparingly and carefully, as overuse can lead to obscurity and decreased engagement. Use no more than two per post.
-Make sure to use relevant keywords when choosing a hashtag. Avoid using general terms, such as “#happy,” which could have a wide range of meanings depending on the context.
-When including a hashtag in your caption, make sure to include it at the beginning of the sentence. This will ensure that users see it before they read your caption.
-Avoid using offensive or inappropriate hashtags. Doing so may result in disciplinary action from Instagram, and may also damage your reputation on the platform.

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When to post photos

-When you’re at a scenic location and want to share with your followers!
-When you have something fun or interesting to share with your followers
-When you have a great photo of your product or service that you want to promote!
-When you want to connect with your followers and build relationships

How to respond to negative comments

If you’re anything like me, you love getting feedback on your posts. However, sometimes it can be tough to handle negative comments. Here are a few tips for responding to criticism:

1. Accept responsibility for your post – regardless of whether or not you agree with the comment. Saying “I’m sorry you feel that way” is much more forgiving than simply deleting the post or ignoring the feedback.

2. Don’t get defensive – even if you don’t agree with the criticism, try to stay calm and rational. This will help avoid a confrontation and show that you respect the other person’s opinion.

3. Explain why you made the decision you did – even if it’s not 100% positive. This will give readers a chance to understand your reasoning behind your decision and could lead to constructive criticism in the future.

4. Be responsive – even if someone doesn’t leave a comment, be sure to respond to their likes and follows as politely as possible. This shows that you’re interested in engaging with them and that you value their opinion.


As social media users, it is important that we know the dos and don’ts of Instagram so that our posts are seen as professional and attractive. Here are a few tips on how to best post on Instagram:
-Post content that is relevant to your followers.
-Use hashtags when you can, especially if your post features a photo or video.
-Keep your images clean and consistent in design.

By Olivia Bradley

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