Considering Hemp Oil for muscle recovery? Read to know why it is a must-have

If you are taking your gym game forward, muscle soreness and injuries are something your body must have accustomed to it by now. But, if these issues are holding you back from pushing your best at the gym then you need to do something about it before it starts to show negative effects on your body. Hemp Oil is one such product that has the potential to alleviate muscle soreness and can quickly recover you from workouts. But before you buy hemp products online India, it is imperative to educate yourself about hemp oil and how it can benefit you in your muscle recovery. 

What is hemp oil?

It refers to a full-spectrum oil that comes from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Unlike THC oil, one of the many compounds present in the Cannabis Sativa plant, there is very little risk of intoxication from hemp oil as all forms of hemp oil come from food-grain strains of hemp which contain less than 0.3% THC.  The production of CBD oil uses the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant which has a larger concentration of CBD. 

Why should you think about getting Hemp Oil if you are an athlete?

Irrespective of the game you play or how hard you push at the gym, exercise can wear down your body over time. It is because when you work out a specific muscle, you essentially expose it to some type of stress and the same stress leads to microscopic damage to the muscle fibers. After the end of your workout, your immune system realizes that the muscle you pushed hard is damaged and starts to repair it. This act of repairing the muscle is what makes your muscle bigger and stronger. So, next time when you will hit the gym, it will be easier for those muscles to push more. 

Apart from repairing your muscles, a workout causes other bodily changes as well and once the workout is complete, your body is responsible to handle these changes. Sleeping properly, and consuming a healthy diet can help you in muscle and body recovery but other factors can help you as well. Consumption of Hemp oil is one way to ensure your muscles recover quickly and prevent muscle damage. 

Is Hemp oil worth it to have?

Hemp oil from a credible brand contains CBD oil (which has an anti-inflammatory effect) which may also help in reducing general stress and tension in the muscle and promote recovery from exercise. Rubbing a bit of hemp seed oil on your tight muscles may help release and relax your body. The same oil is also beneficial as a sleep aid which also happens to be the prime time for the body to repair itself. There is a study that links hemp products having CBD as a compound in reducing the amount of time spent in REM sleep. Result? Better sleep. The better your body gets a night’s rest, the more you will be able to push well into the gym. 

In the end,

When you are in the market to buy any hemp products be it hemp oil or hemp CBD oil, it is important to ensure the product comes from a reliable manufacturer and should be free of additional compounds such as THC. 

By Olivia Bradley

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