Correct ways to use a Feeding Pillow

baby cradle

Feeding pillows are known as nursing pillows, a lifesaver for the new mom. There are different types available feeding pillows in the market. Feeding pillows are U-shaped pillows placed around the midsection to support your baby during feeding.

The main use of a feeding pillow is to support during breastfeeding. There are many uses for feeding pillows, making them versatile as an important baby product, like a baby cradle.

  • Support your back during pregnancy

If you get the feeding pillow as a baby shower gift, you do not require the baby to arrive to put it to work. The weight of your growing baby often strains your back muscles during the last stages of pregnancy.

Using a feeding pillow at this stage is helpful. It provides back support by placing the feeding pillow backward so that it rests your back. The size and shape of the feeding pillow make it the perfect support for your lower soar back muscles. 

  • During healing, take pressure off of your C-section scar.

It is best to bring your feeding pillow to the hospital during delivery. It helps you know how to breastfeed and protects your sensitive scar if you have a C-section.

It will take many weeks for your scar to heal, which results in holding the squirming baby against it in case breastfeeding is uncomfortable. Using the feeding pillow, in this case, protect your stomach while it heals and makes your nursing less painful.

If you take your feeding pillow to the hospital, you should consider buying a washable cover to easily clean it when you are discharged and protect your baby from germs.

  • Bring relief from episiotomy pain.

If you have a vaginal birth, you may receive an episiotomy or experience vaginal tearing. The stitches during the operation can make it tough to sit for long periods. Feeding pillows help you a lot in this case. Sitting on a feeding pillow helps to get relief from your stitches’ pain while you are healing.

  • Support during bottle feeding

Bottle feeding strains your neck and arms while holding your baby to feed. Here the feeding pillow comes into an important role, as same as the baby cradle. Laying your loved ones on a feeding pillow helps to relieve the pain.

 The best thing is that your other family member can also use the feeding pillow to feed your baby, even if you go out. Pumping will permit you to continue giving the baby breast milk if you cannot nurse your baby while you are away.

  • Help to relieve the baby’s reflux.

Many babies experience colic or reflux that causes pain to them after eating. Acid reflux in babies is called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). It occurs when the milk drunk by your baby has come back with their esophagus and causes spitting up, pain, and vomiting.

Propping up your baby on a feeding pillow after eating help them to prevent reflux from occurring.

  • Bring your baby to the right height for pain-free breastfeeding.

Many moms experience a lot of pain during the early stages of breastfeeding. This occurs because of the improper latch and muscle straining in the back, neck, and arms. Your baby needs to be brought up to your chest and near your breast to latch it properly.

A feeding pillow is easily adjusted with folded blanket or straps that are placed under the pillow to bring the perfect height of your baby for nursing. The best thing is that a feeding pillow helps to reduce the strain on your muscles and focus on helping your baby to latch properly.

  • Offers support while your baby learns to sit

Between the 4-6 months of your baby, they will start to develop strength and muscles that are necessary for them to sit up on their own. While your baby is learning to sit, a feeding pillow offers support and protects your baby from hitting its head on the ground in case they lose balance.

It helps your baby to sit up and then place the feeding pillow around their legs to ensure their safety, like a baby cradle.


With many uses, your feeding pillows have become a versatile and important baby product. You should try feeding the pillow in new ways to get the most out of your feeding pillow.

By Olivia Bradley

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