Debunking myths about making babies

Since sex is a taboo topic in most cultures, you really don’t know where to turn to to find the answers for the questions that are swarming in your mind.

To add on to the confusion are the weird myths that come through complicated channels; your friend’s sister’s cousin told her some mumbo jumbo, and now you are fretting about yet another thing.

While the best bet would be taking your queries to a gynecologist, it is not always possible to consult one.

Things become murkier still when you are sexually active yet want to prevent pregnancy like the plague. Still, there are many questions and doubts in your mind, sponsored by your imagination and the rumors.

So, for to help you get answers to some of the wildest queries about sex and getting pregnant, here are some myths, with their explanation.

Myths about baby-making sex

Anal sex can lead to pregnancy

The answer to this myth is most likely not. There is no clandestine route between your anus and your vagina inside of the body, and the semen cannot also apparate as well. So, the odds are, it won’t cause you to become pregnant.

However, anus and vagina are in close proximity. If you are not careful, it can happen that the semen makes its way into the vagina. Hence, being sloppy is not an option.

Again, just because you cannot, very likely, get pregnant from anal sex means that you partake in risky sexual escapades.

Oral sex can lead to pregnancy

Short answer, no. Long answer, no.

For one to get pregnant, the egg in the uterus needs to be fertilized by the sperm. There is only one entry to the uterus, and that is via vagina.

Anything that you consume via your oral cavity is digested via the GI tract, and thus, there is no direct route for the orally consumed, ahem, stuff, and the uterus.

However, you can still get sexually transmitted infections via oral sex. So, do exercise caution.

Period sex cannot lead to pregnancy

Nope, you can also get pregnant women you are having unprotected sex on your periods. So, to prevent such accidents, you must track your cycle, so you know when you are fertile.

Pulling out can prevent pregnancy

Not so much. Withdrawal method has been part of many debates and queries since it lacks conclusive evidence to its efficacy. Firstly, there is the matter of precum to contend with.

Essentially, precum is secreted by the Cowper’s gland and performs the role of making pH sperm-friendly in the urethra, and it also performs the task of lubrication. Its secretion cannot be moderated or controlled by the body, like the ejaculate.

While there are some studies what showed men did not have sperm in their precum, there are others that did find sperm in the precum. Hence, there is a chance of there being sperm present in the precum. Therefore, even if the person withdraws in time, precum could have done the job of delivering the sperm.

Secondly, the issue with withdrawal method is that of learning how to control one’s body. It is not an easy task to understand when one is closer to climax. Moreover, it can also be that during the throes of passion, men forget to pull out in time, or pull out completely. The climax may take them too by surprise.

The third issue with withdrawal method is that of control; female body is not involved in the process. Even men have to have a lot of discipline and control over their carnal desires to be able to pull out in due time. Hence, it involves a lot of trust.

The fourth problem with this method is that it does not protect you against STIs, and women then have to visit their gynecologist in Islamabad for treatment. And perhaps, a pregnancy confirmation as well. 

By Olivia Bradley

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