Expand Your Business in Canada

Immigration attorneys in UAE

Canada is one of the most lively multi-cultural countries in the world. It has the world’s ninth-largest economy. Canada’s economic stability, welfare services, and friendly environment make it one of the world’s top destinations for corporate relocation. It also provides exclusive immigration by investment route, allowing entrepreneurs to get a residence while establishing their firm. Aside from economic and social vitality, additional advantages of Canada include child support, free education, and free healthcare in most regions. Immigration attorneys in UAE can advise you on the programs available to help you effectively expand or start a business in Canada while maximizing your profits.

Benefits of Expanding Your Business in Canada

  • Lower Corporate Tax Rates

The total tax rate in Canada is much lower than in any other G8 country. Corporations pay the basic corporate income tax rate of 38.0%, with rate reductions applicable in some cases. Corporations that pay provincial/territorial corporate income tax receive a 10-percentage-point federal abatement, which lowers the corporate income tax rate to 28.0%. Following the general tax reduction, the net tax rate is 15% which is one of the lowest internationally. The net tax rate for Canadian-controlled private firms utilizing the small business deduction is 9%.

  • Stable Economy

Canada rated first on Forbes’ ranking of the Best Countries for Business list in 2011. The country was ranked first due to its trade openness, investor protection, low corruption, and low corporation tax rates. Canada is ranked sixth on the Forbes list as of December 2018. Canada’s consistent economic development from 2005 to 2014 is noteworthy since it weathered the financial crisis that began in 2008. The country’s main banks emerged from the crisis as some of the world’s strongest. And, as we all know, Canada’s economy is strong due to the immigration sector, which was greatly harmed by the pandemic; everything then started to go downhill. Canada, on the other hand, swiftly rebounded and is again inviting as many immigrants as possible.

  • Society With Several Cultures

Another motivation to establish a business in Canada is that it has a multicultural population and individuals from many nationalities live there, which means that opportunities are plentiful. In Canada, there is something for everyone. Canada is one of the few countries that is expanding its immigration sector daily. Skilled worker programs allow skilled migrants to live and work in Canada, whereas business visas allow migrants to come to Canada and create a small businesses. Almost every ethnic group in the world is recognized in Canada. With over 200 languages spoken, Canada is one of the world’s most ethnically diverse and multilingual societies.

  • A Wonderful Place To Live

Canada is one of the world’s most attractive countries. It provides a clean environment, modernized cities, grandeur, and a decent standard of living. Families in Canada have a good standard of living, and companies there are growing and prospering. People have the choice to pick the jobs of their choosing, etc. Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, and other provinces are excellent areas to live comfortably and start a small business. Most immigration programs in Canada enable people to bring their families with them because Canada believes in family reunification and appreciates the value of family.

Top Industries in Canada

Real estate, mining, and manufacturing are Canada’s three main industries.

  • The real estate, rental, and leasing industry in Canada are made up of companies that do the following things: real estate management; selling, renting, or buying real estate for others; appraising real estate; renting and leasing tangible assets like automotive equipment; and leasing non-financial intangible assets like copyrighted works.
  • According to the Government of Canada, GDP for the industry, which employs around 250,000 people, increased 3.7 percent in the 12 months ending June 2021.
  • Food, chemicals, petroleum, fabricated metal items, machinery, transportation equipment, and other things are mostly manufactured in Canada.
  • According to the Government of Canada, GDP for the manufacturing industry, which employs nearly 1.5 million people, increased by 8.1 percent in the 12 months ending June 2021.
  • The mining sector is dominated by oil and gas extraction, but other forms of mining activities include coal mining and the extraction of other metals such as gold, silver, copper, nickel, and others.
  • Mining and quarrying for stone, sand, gravel, clay, and ceramics, as well as potash mining, are also part of the industry.
  • According to the Government of Canada, GDP for the industry, which employs around 190,000 people, increased 15.1 percent in the 12 months ending 2021.

How To Expand The Business

Migrating to a new location and establishing your own business could be difficult; one mistake might result in application rejection and possibly a prohibition from applying in the future. That is why it is strongly advised that you apply with the assistance of an immigration lawyer in Dubai, who will guide you through the process. As Canada offers several immigration programs to help people in migrating, it is critical to select the one that best fits your profile and requirements.

The Canadian government offers programs designed specifically for aspiring or experienced entrepreneurs, such as the Startup Visa Program, the Provincial Nominee Program for Entrepreneurs, etc. As the requirements for each program vary, it is critical to evaluate everything before applying. A competent specialist will explain everything to you in detail so that you grasp every single detail.

Contact Ace

Please contact Ace’s expert Canadian Immigration attorneys, who have years of experience and can advise you on not just business immigration concerns but also other programs based on your needs. We believe in being completely upfront with our clients and giving them all of the information they require.

By Olivia Bradley

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