How Can Your Business Benefit From Banner Marketing

Banner Marketing

Banners are a staple of the marketing industry. They provide a versatile (and cheap) way of getting your point across and making your brand known. We are going to take this opportunity to talk about what does banner marketing exactly do for your business and how do you benefit from them?

Inexpensive Marketing

Banners are known throughout the industry as being one of the cheapest forms of marketing which allow companies both big and small to utilize them for their gain. A small investment into banners can give incredible ROI just from exposure alone. You can even purchase permanent signage in order to have your banner displayed 24/7 all year long! Their versatility in how they can be used and the materials they are made from allows them to be used in a mobile setting and in storefront advertising.

Visual Stimulation

Play around with colors. We already know that there is a scientific connection between the colors we see and how we feel as a result of seeing them. Colors like purple and green will make you calmer, while colors such as red, yellow, and orange will cause you to feel strong emotions. Knowing how these colors make people feel, you can use them to get your message across to different audiences and what you want them to feel when they look at your banner. Not to mention the fact that around 65% of us process data primarily in a visual format. With people becoming increasingly impatient, you have only a small window of opportunity to get your point across. So, with large, visual physical items that portray your message, you are already in a better position than your competition.

Building Brand Recognition

There is always pressure on a business to build a strong identity, one that will stand above the crowd and make you recognized. Brand awareness and recognition are more effective with banners because it builds trust with your (potential) customers as well as a feeling of closeness in smaller communities.

Even though they are very cost-efficient, you should try to maximize the value you get from them. Design them in a way that will provide lasting quality and a long-term identification with your identity. They are best used to announce something grand, display your brand, or promote safety measures. For example, a high-quality corflute sign will get its point across easily if designed well. If you already have a brand name established and want to reform then you can host a grand opening and make banners of your brand new banner with the logo on them. Just remember to have all of your banners complement each other, that way your brand is more easily recognizable and consistent.

They Stick to the Memory of People

No matter how much digital ways of marketing have started dominating the market, some things will always stay relevant because of the experiences they offer that other, digital forms simply cannot. When a person sees a banner that they really like, it will stick to them more than any digital form of advertisement could. A banner is larger and it’s located in the physical space which makes it more rememberable. People will pass by your banner a large number of times (depending on the location), which will expose them to it multiple times without them becoming severely irritated by the constant ad bombardment that we get on our phones or PCs. So, you effectively gain exposure on the level of online ads, but without the brewing hate that people develop upon seeing it constantly, it’s a win-win.

More Effective in the Form of Sponsorship

Even though the location is very important in how effective the banner will be, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will severely lose out on having a banner in a less-optimal location. In order to reach your target audience, you can get your banners seen in events that correlate to your target demographic. Sponsor a local event and have your banners hung at the event in order to secure quality exposure. This way, people who could potentially be interested in your business will hear about you.

They are Easy to Make

One reason why banners are a cheaper alternative to marketing is that they are very easy to make. With big improvements to printing technology, especially wide-format digital printing, we are able to produce high-quality banners in a really short period of time. Not to mention, you have the full creative liberty of putting down anything that you want on it, not shackled by technical difficulties.

In comparison, you will go through a lot more hassle and burn through more money to get a TV ad or a commercial on YouTube done. They have inherent flexibility since you can constantly make new banners that will reflect a new change to your identity or highlight a different product.

They are Flexible (Literally)

Another benefit of banners is that once the location doesn’t suit your taste anymore, or if you want to get exposure in a different place you can just move the banner. It’s just that simple, while renting out billboards doesn’t allow you to move the billboard (unfortunately), with banners you can always just pick them up and move them to a different location, resulting in much larger cost-efficient exposure.

            In a world more dominated by digital forms of marketing, people forget about all of the positives of other, physical forms of marketing. Hopefully, with this article, we have made you realize the many benefits that banner marketing brings. Until next time!

By Olivia Bradley

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