How to E-A-T Ethically with Digital PR?

How to E-A-T Ethically with Digital PR?

It is an old marketing cliché that people buy or take services from people and not brands. Most people are likely to trust any brand or organization with a natural human face. E-commerce is crowded and can either make or break a website’s fortune in the SERPs. Many historic link-building activities such as link exchange or broken link building, have seen brands of all sizes, from household names to e-commerce start-ups, hop on the leadership bandwagon.

Free and easy-to-access tools offer a low barrier and give a misleading impression that this is an easy route to link in top-tier publications. This type of digital PR can deliver various benefits for SEO and brand awareness. Building trust with search engines and consumers will take time and consistency.

Importance of the about us page

A strong ‘about us page is one of the most critical on-page trust signals for a content SEO strategy regarding E-A-T. Whether you are using the page to introduce one subject matter expert or a whole team, you should include a decent headshot to outline all the details. You should not invent a subject matter expert just to give your website a new face. You should also not be tempted to stock photos for an ‘about us page or an author profile picture. 

Do not fake it until you make it

Google values everyday expertise, and it is crucial that you put authentic content out there. Some topics might require less legal expertise; many write incredibly detailed and helpful reviews of products and restaurants and share tips and life experiences. Hence, you should have this level of transparency, especially if you want to rank high on the SERPs.

Content conflict

We all are no strangers to the fact that digital PR is still PR, and we should know how to build links. The ones who adopt links will not have a taste of uniqueness in their brand. You should try to gain more limelight and get coverage for your brand. Some start-ups out there deliberately build a reputation for being outspoken. It would be best if you considered how a quote would reflect your brand. Reactive PR is fast-paced, and it can make abiding by the tone of the voice guidelines feel like wasted time. You should not forget that you are not only building links; you are building a reputation. It means that you risk doing severe damage if you ignore a brand’s vision and values.

Make use of social media sites

You should make the maximum use of social media sites, and when it comes to trust signals, social profiles can often be overlooked. You should make sure that the about us page links to the social profiles, and you should not forget to include a link back to the site in the bio of the social profiles.

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What is E-A-T?

E-A-T stands for expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness, and it is a part of Google’s algorithm. When Google sets its search quality rate on any website, it will cross-check the web, looking for the signals confirming the expertise and the authority. E-A-T should result in more coverage and evidence of authority on any particular topic.

1. Expertise

Many web users perceive your site as everything. Google analyzes user behaviour and the time spent on a page and the other pages visited while you are on your site. It can also lead to a subsequent climb or a fall in the search engine rankings. It could also affect your future site traffic. You should focus on having subject matter experts who put engaging content on your website.

There are professional and formal experts, and they have years of formal training and are top minds in their fields. It is a known fact that not all experts are great writers, and you can always hire professional content creators to translate their words into valuable anecdotes. Google is the type of search engine which will also consider other SEO ranking signals, such as newspaper articles and user reviews about your website, before ranking it.

2. Authoritativeness

There are different types of sites on the internet, and the most important sites are the legal or medical ones. If you happen to run a random Q&A feedback, it adds value to your website.

People will come to you in large numbers if they know that you are an authority or if you employ an army of experts to put out valuable content on your website. The best way to do this is by specifying the credentials of the sources. You should include their short bio and work credentials.

3. Trustworthiness

A user should feel safe while he is on your site. Mediocre content will indicate an extreme lack of effort on your part and make the user question if you care about him. If you fail to ensure that your SEO game is solid, you may look like someone who does not have a concrete plan for your website. If you want more users to find you and keep coming back to you, you should be willing to put in some work, including an SSL certificate and having a straightforward professional ‘About us page.

You should also include the following page types-

  • News and current events

News should be verified and professional and the update on current events like sports, business and politics should factor in. 

  • Government laws

Civic news must be the main topic and the key focus on the updated information about government policies, the public sector and the legalities. It should also not cause unnecessary chaos and should be free from graphic content. Disturbing images should be blurred properly.

  • Finance

The reports on the financial issues and the frameworks should also be updated often following the lines of the official and relevant developments. The opinions and complete information on the issues such as banking, and insurance should be provided from reliable sources.

By Olivia Bradley

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