How to Get a Complete Treatment of Nervous System Ailments at the Best Neurology Hospital in India?

Brain Damage

The nervous system is responsible for regulating and coordinating all body functions. It is of two types.

The Central nervous system: It is made of the brain and the spinal cord.

The Peripheral nervous system: It consists of peripheral and autonomic nerves.

The nervous system can be affected by:

Ø Trauma

Ø Infections

Ø Degeneration

Ø Structural defects

Ø Tumors

Ø Blood flow disruption

Ø Autoimmune disorders

Disorders of the nervous system:

1. Vascular disorders: Like stroke, transient ischemic attack, subarachnoid hemorrhage, subdural hemorrhage, hematoma, extradural hemorrhage.

2. Infections: Meningitis, encephalitis, polio, epidural abscess.

3. Structural disorders: These may include brain or spinal cord injuries, Bell’s Palsy, cervical spondylosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, brain or spinal cord tumor, peripheral neuropathy, and Guillain-Barre syndrome.

4. Functional disorders: Headache, epilepsy, dizziness, neuralgia

5. Degeneration: Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington chorea, Alzheimer’s disease.

Signs and symptoms

Ø Persistent and sudden headache

Ø Numbness or tingling sensation

Ø Weakness or loss of muscle strength

Ø Double vision or loss of sight

Ø Memory loss

Ø Impaired mental ability

Ø Muscle rigidness

Ø Lack of coordination

Ø Tremors and seizures

Ø Muscle wasting and slurred speech

Ø Back pain radiating to feet, toes, or other parts

Since the disorders of the nervous system can be linked to those of other organ systems, you might need the overall healthcare support involving numerous specialists.

  •  Neurologist: Deals with the diagnosis and treatment of nervous system disorders. Few of them treat acute strokes and cerebral aneurysms using endovascular techniques.
  • Neurosurgeons: They are the neurosurgeons who operate as a treatment team for neurological disorders.
  • Neuroradiologists and interventional radiologists: These are the radiologists who specialize in diagnosing nervous system conditions using imaging and in treating nervous system conditions.
  • Psychologists: Anxiety, depression, mood swings, and irritability are common nervous system disorders. Psychologist deals with these concerns.
  • Psychiatrist: They deal with emotional and behavioral symptoms caused by the nervous system. They are specialists who prescribe medication and other therapies as required.
  • Physiatrists: Specialists who work in the rehab process.
  • Physical therapists: Help in mobility and address the stiffness and joints.
  • Occupational therapists: They are medical specialists who help you with day-to-day activities.
  • Speech/language pathologists: They specialize in communication.

Diagnostic tools:

Ø Electroencephalography

Ø Computerized tomography

Ø Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Ø Electromyography

Ø Positron emission tomography

Ø Arteriogram

Ø Single-photon emission-computed tomography

Ø Electromyography

Ø Electronystagmography

Ø lumbar puncture

Ø Evoked potentials

Ø Magnetoencephalography

Ø Nerve conduction velocity test

Ø Polysomnogram

Ø Neurocognitive testing

Ø Myelogram of the spine

Ø Biopsy of brain, nerve, skin, or muscle

These tests help diagnose the exact cause and extent of the neurological ailment.


Ø Balloon angioplasty, carotid, and vertebral artery stenting

Ø Endovascular embolization and coiling to treat cerebral aneurysms

Ø For stroke: Intra-arterial therapy

Ø Radiation Oncology of the brain and spine.

Ø Needle biopsies of the spine and soft tissues

Ø Kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty to treat vertebral fractures

Ø Open neurosurgery might be needed in some cases to treat problems in the brain and the surrounding structures. It is a more invasive procedure. Microsurgery allows neurosurgeons to work on microscopic structures in the brain using a microscope and very small, precise instruments.

Ø Another type is stereotactic radiosurgery; in this, high-powered x-rays are bombarded on a small area, thereby avoiding damage to surrounding brain tissue.

Ø Medicines given by drug pumps.

Ø Deep brain stimulation.

Ø Spinal cord stimulation.

Ø Rehabilitation/ physical therapy after brain injury or stroke.

Ø Spinal surgery.

Ø Rehabilitation centers: Patients with neurological concerns are placed in rehabilitation to restore the lost functions. Therapies consist of lifestyle changes, physiotherapy, pain management, and medication.

Ø Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on the reorientation of a person’s thoughts and behavior related to their disability. It has shown an effect in treating ADHD, anxiety, and other mood disorders with no associated side effects. It is usually the first choice for patients as it is non-invasive.

Ø Doctors do not use CBT in patients affected by stroke, trauma, or degenerative brain disease. In these cases, they use neuroleptics to treat schizophrenia. Comparatively, more uncomplicated analgesics are used to treat the painful effects of many neurological ailments.

Ø Rehab centers: Focus on treatable disorders, including alcohol abuse issues, chemical dependency, and neurological problems. Help the patient to return to everyday healthy living.

Ø Executive neurological treatment program: Patients suffering from behavioral issues like substance or process addictions find it difficult to go into rehab due to their job or family responsibilities. Certain hospitals offer executive neurological treatment programs for these individuals to help them return to their everyday life faster.

Ø Outpatient neurological rehab: Inpatient care might not be possible on certain occasions, so certain hospitals also offer outpatient rehab facilities.

Ø OTC medications: While most disorders do not respond to drugs, quite a few do.  Care must be taken to take the medicines under the prescription and supervision of a doctor.

● Conclusion:

The first step is early diagnosis and the subsequent decision to seek treatment without delay. Neurological disorders impair a person’s decision-making ability and make the task of convincing the patient for treatment more difficult. The patient must agree and pursue the treatment. As with other ailments, neurological disorders worsen over time. Avoid inordinate delays in searching for the best neurology hospital in India for your neurological treatment, which addresses all your psychological, psychiatric, and behavioural concerns. Don’t be afraid of reaching out for the treatment, as early diagnosis is critical for effective treatment.

By Olivia Bradley

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