How To Keep Your Solar Panels Clean

The energy generated by solar panels can be of great benefit to any household or business. If you are tired of paying exorbitant prices for the energy you use, this is probably one of the best options you have. However, if you do decide to purchase solar panels, remember to keep them clean at all times.

The question is often asked, “What percentage of electricity do dirty solar panels lose? When the modules are dirty, the energy output drops significantly. Some modules have been found to lose up to 50% power due to excessive dirt and debris. If you want to avoid these performance losses, it is imperative that you keep your modules as Gb Cleaning Services Norfolk as possible. These tips will help you do just that.

Tip 1 – Mount your modules at an angle. Panels mounted at an angle often face less dirt and grime than panels mounted at a shallow angle. By mounting your panels at an angle during installation, you can double the energy output of your system. By taking this simple step, you can also reduce the maintenance required for your system.

Tip 2 – Have a company clean your system on a regular basis. There are companies that specialize in this process. By having a company clean your system regularly, you can be sure that your energy production will be as high as possible throughout the year. Also, if you hire a cleaning company that automatically comes to your home, you will never forget to clean your panels.

Tip 3– Educate yourself about automatic cleaning equipment. There are new products on the market today that are designed to automatically clean solar panels. These products can be very useful because they eliminate the risks associated with having employees clean your system. Also, with these products, you no longer have to worry about cleaning your panels year round.

Tip 4: Even if this step is your last resort, you can always clean your system yourself. By simply keeping your panels clean, you can potentially double your annual energy production. Cleaning your system every few months may seem like a hassle, but the extra energy you can produce and the money you can save is definitely worth it.

Solar Panel Cleaning

One way to keep your solar panels clean is to roll up your sleeves and get a good cleaning kit that will allow you to clean your panels easily and quickly. The frequency of cleaning depends on where you live and how quickly your solar panels get dirty.

Another option would be to use an automatic cleaning system that cleans your solar panels at specific intervals. An automatic cleaning system is a good option to reduce the amount of cleaning your system requires, but it will increase the overall cost of your solar panel system.

Finally, you can consider a cleaning service from a local service provider.

Deciding which options are best for your needs will depend largely on the impact on your energy savings. If your solar panels get dirty frequently, you’ll benefit from an automated cleaning system. On the other hand, for areas with less soiling, manual maintenance or a regular cleaning service makes more sense.

By Olivia Bradley

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