How to Make More Money on Etsy: The Unexpected Power of Backlinks

As an Etsy seller, you likely know that SEO and backlinks are critically important to your business’s success, but it can sometimes be hard to find the time and energy to dedicate yourself to building your online presence in this way. Fortunately, as this guide to Etsy SEO explains, there are plenty of other ways to boost your site’s traffic and sales. One such strategy that you might not have considered? Your own Etsy store! Read below for more details on how to make more money through the power of backlinks.

What are backlinks

A backlink is a reference from another website that points to yours. Links are usually accompanied by text, and both elements help your ranking in search engines. Higher placement in search engine results can mean more visits from qualified prospects. High-quality backlinks have become more important as Google’s algorithm has gotten smarter about measuring authority for specific subjects, not just individual sites; as a result, backlink strategy has become an increasingly vital part of SEO work overall.

Why do they matter

While it might seem obvious that backlinks are important for ranking well in Google, you might be surprised at how much power these high-quality backlinks can have over an eCommerce site. A quality link from a reputable source can send massive amounts of traffic your way – and increase conversions. You might even see an instant bump in profits from your online shop or storefront! That’s why it’s important to build up a solid backlink strategy now – not later.

The long-term benefits of backlinks

Nothing is more important for backlink building than long-term benefits. When you’re creating a backlink, you have to realize that your ultimate goal is SEO traffic and conversions over time. One-off link-building tactics don’t really matter because if they didn’t bring in consistent, targeted traffic, they wouldn’t be effective at all! But if your links are consistently bringing you organic traffic, then those links eventually become incredibly valuable to your business.

Where can I find relevant links to my product page?

Search engines have come a long way in terms of their ability to index and rank product pages on e-commerce websites. In fact, more than 60% of search engine traffic is derived from organic results, and very few e-commerce stores actually purchase paid listings. However, that doesn’t mean that you should discount backlink building entirely. It can still be an effective strategy for improving your product page rankings, but it will take some work.

Link building toolkit

There are lots of tools out there that help you build backlinks, but here are a few favorites. If you’re looking to put links in your content, check out BuzzSumo and Ahrefs. Both tools make it easy to identify influencers who might be interested in linking to your site or sharing your content. They also allow you to search for topics that have already been covered—so if someone has already written about what you want to write about, you can find them and contact them directly.


Linking sites together is an effective way to build traffic. By increasing traffic from other websites, you can boost search rankings and increase your profits. There’s no limit to how much backlinking you can do, so start building out your network.

Building a larger network will only increase your profits as more people learn about your work. Check infiniterounds and learn more about building backlinks that drive traffic to your website.

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By Olivia Bradley

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