Is Cheesecake the New Gluten-Free Dessert?

Is Cheesecake the New Gluten-Free Dessert?

Cheesecake has been long touted as one of the best desserts around, and with so many different varieties and flavor combinations, it’s not hard to see why! Whether you enjoy it straight out of the oven or prefer it chilled and topped with fresh fruit or chocolate sauce, cheesecake can be enjoyed by anyone with a sweet tooth. But did you know that cheesecake can also be made to be gluten-free?

What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley that’s used to give bread dough elasticity. It can also be found in certain brands of beers, malt liquors, and some soy sauces and vinegar. But most importantly for those with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), it can sometimes be found in wheat flour. And because it’s a protein, gluten will cause symptoms like diarrhea, stomach pain, and bloating if someone who has an intolerance consumes it.

 So is cheesecake gluten-free or not? The answer, unfortunately, isn’t as clear-cut as you might want it to be. While some brands of cheesecakes may avoid using gluten in their recipe, others can’t guarantee that their ingredients are all gluten-free. And because many people with celiac disease or NCGS only react to trace amounts of gluten, even a small amount can cause them issues down the line.

Can people with celiac disease eat cheesecake?

Celiac disease is a genetic autoimmune disorder that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food. The only treatment for celiac disease is to follow a gluten-free diet. Celiac disease is not an allergy, but eating gluten will cause symptoms in people with celiac disease because their immune system has damaged their small intestine lining. There are no tests for celiac disease and it can take years before symptoms develop. If you do have celiac disease, then you should avoid eating an:y foods that contain wheat, rye, or barley.

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Are there any benefits to eating gluten-free cheesecake?

Yes. Eating gluten-free cheesecake may help those who are sensitive to gluten, have celiac disease, or have wheat allergies. If you are on a strict gluten-free diet, it is important to get your nutrients from other sources than just cheesecake. So while cheesecake may not be as nutritious as some foods, it can be a helpful treatment for those who cannot eat gluten.

 Additionally, a cheesecake may be just what you need if you are lactose intolerant. A single serving of cheesecake is high in calcium and low in fat. It is also a good source of selenium, phosphorus, and zinc. However, while these nutrients can be found in gluten-free cheesecake, they are not present in high amounts or as easily accessible sources as other foods. Therefore, those on a gluten-free diet must get their nutrients from other sources such as vegetables and meats.

Are there any downsides to eating gluten-free cheesecake?

Some people find that gluten-free cheesecakes are too sweet. So if you’re looking for a more savory dessert, this may not be for you. Additionally, some people don’t like that they can taste the texture of tapioca starch in these cakes. The texture is pretty unique and can take some getting used to. The result doesn’t look as creamy as gluten-containing cheesecakes either. And lastly, many people have reported that they have a stomachache or other digestive issues after eating gluten-free cheesecake. In my opinion, this is due to the addition of tapioca starch which most people are not used to digesting regularly overall, I think gluten free cheesecakes are a great dessert option for people who don’t do well with gluten or have celiac disease. They’re perfect for holiday parties or any time you’re craving something sweet and delicious. However, as stated above, there may be some downsides to eating them regularly depending on your situation. If you’re gluten sensitive or have celiac disease, it’s probably best to save these desserts for special occasions or just eat them once in a while.

As always please do not copy from any source other than my own! Have Fun!!

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By Olivia Bradley

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