Kratom For Anxiety And Depression: How Much To Take?


Anxiety and depression are serious health concerns in modern times. According to research, about 19.1% of the population of the USA (an estimated 48 million people) have battled with anxiety at one time or another. Similarly, 8.4% of all US adults had a major depressive episode in 2021.  

Patients with anxiety and depression often suffer a lot of stigmas that impede their ability to get proper treatment. At the same time, over-the-counter medication for anxiety is hard to come by. As such, people are opting for natural supplements as an alternative to traditional medicines.  

This has led to an increase in the popularity of numerous natural remedies, particularly Kratom.

What is Kratom? 

Kratom is a type of evergreen plant of the Rubiaceae family. It comes from the same kind of plant as the coffee plant. This plant, which also goes by the scientific name Mitragyna speciosa, traces its roots to Southeast Asia, where it was commonly known for its medicinal effects. In ancient Southeast Asia, herbalists were prone to using this herb for numerous treatments. As Kratom has permeated the Western market, many people have begun accepting its use of the herb. 

One of the reasons Kratom is quite popular in the Western world is that it can substitute opioids as a treatment medication. The Red Vein Kraton, the most popular type, is the preferred choice for relaxation among users with stress and anxiety.  

However, being a potent strain, users must research the most trusted red vein kratom sellers guide to gain maximum benefits without overdosing. In simple terms, you should use only small doses of the plant when reducing anxiety and depression symptoms. 

You can, however, increase the dosage once you develop tolerance to the strain’s effects. 

Does Kratom Help in Treating Anxiety and Depression? 

While not many researchers have considered the use of Kratom in treating anxiety and depression, limited studies have noted that there may be the applicability of Kratom in such fields. For instance, research on some individuals who attempted to use Kratom as a self-treatment mechanism for the conditions such as anxiety and depression noted that they experienced some relief. However, it is difficult to measure the veracity of such statements accurately, and anecdotal evidence would have to suffice in those circumstances.

Additionally, another research on Kratom users and anxiety and depression concluded that the plant allowed patients to have an elevated mood and reduced symptoms associated with depression. This indicates that patients with anxiety and depression may benefit from using Kratom for their issues. However, the question becomes how Kratom helps patients with depression. 

Kratom Strains for Anxiety and Depression 

When choosing a Kratom strain for anxiety and depression, you need to select a strain that is not too stimulating to increase stress and anxiety. Thus, the types you choose must have a high content of alkaloids, such as 7-hydroxymitragynine and speciogynine and lesser mitragynine content.  

The following part lists some of the best Kratom forms for stress and depression.  

  1. Red Vein Bali 

Hailing from Indonesia, this strain is popular in providing pain relief when used in high dosages. However, if used in low dosages, it has a solid, uplifting effect, relaxing for persons with depression. The strain is highly appropriate for mood disorders and for relieving some of the symptoms of anxiety. 

  1. Green Malay Kratom 

The Green Malay Kratom Strain is highly reputable for providing consumers with a calming and relaxing effect. If you are suffering from anxiety, you may want to try out this strain to enjoy its calming and soothing effects. Additionally, this Kratom form is highly beneficial for people with social anxiety and depressive episodes, making ordinary social interactions strenuous. The strain provides a calming effect that relieves your stress while giving a mild euphoria that keeps you talkative and engaged in conversation with your friends.

  1. White Maeng Da Kratom 

The White Maeng Da Kratom is famous among Kratom users who have identified that the strain has a longer-lasting effect and strong potency. While the Maeng Da has numerous strains, such as the red and green ones, the white form is quite popular due to its strength over the other strains. Thus, if you want a strain that will provide the desired effects for a longer time, this one will be the best for you. 

Parting Shot 

Trying out Kratom to help relieve your anxiety and depression will be one of the best decisions you can make to keep mentally healthy. However, consult a doctor before trying out Kratom to confirm whether the plant is appropriate for your condition. Additionally, if you take any other medication, you may want to verify whether Kratom interacts with any medicines you ordinarily take. In doing so, you will experience the long-term effects of Kratom based on the strains you go for.

By Olivia Bradley

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