Ultimate Guide To Take Care Of Denture For Oral Health

Ultimate Guide To Take Care Of Dentures For Oral Health

How To Properly Care For Your Dentures

Wearing dentures, whether partial or complete, can give a perfectly natural smile. These false teeth replace lost teeth and look like your very own. Although your dentures are false teeth, it’s recommended to clean them regularly. They will remain to look good with proper care and cleaning. Moreover, taking care of dentures is similar to taking care of natural teeth. The dentures involved brushing, cleaning between meals, and handling with care. 

Like natural teeth, plaque and food stick to your dentures. Toothpaste can be too abrasive and thus damage the dentures over time. These toothpaste can damage the surface of dentures, leaving scratches or small cracks. You must also ensure that you use a toothbrush with soft bristles. However, brushing alone doesn’t clean dentures. To maintain dentures, you must thoroughly clean them regularly after removal.

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Keep scrolling to learn the best way to clean and maintain your dentures.

Regular Denture Cleaning

It is a good idea to give your dentures a proper cleaning. Dentists recommend that you should clean your dentures at least once daily. For this, you can use mild dish soap or hand soap to clean your dentures. Another way to clean your dentures is by using an ultrasonic cleaner. The ultrasonic cleaner is a small cleaning machine that you let your dentures soak in. A sound wave is generated, causing the dentures to vibrate. This process removes impurities or food debris attached to the denture. It is important to mention that though the ultrasonic cleaner does great work cleaning the denture, it should not replace regular brushings.

How To Store Dentures When Not in Use

Taking proper care of your dentures when removed is as important as when you are wearing them. Dentures should always be soaked in a liquid denture cleaner solution. This will not only prevent the dentures from drying out but also keep them clean. Be cautious, as your dentures have metal components attached to them. If left in certain denture solutions, the liquid can eventually damage the denture. 

Ultimate Guide To Take Care Of Dentures For Oral Health

However, your dentist will recommend the best way to store your dentures. Never place dentures in hot water. Placing them in hot water can cause the dentures to distort and change their shape. Soak dentures in warm or cold water overnight. For cleaning, look for the ADA (American Dental Association) approval for a quality solution that will protect your dentures for the long term.

How To Take Care OF Dentures For Long-Term

Dentures (partial or full) need proper care on a regular basis. Cleaning extends the life of your dentures and keeps them free from stains & bacteria. Furthermore, proper care can keep both your dentures and your mouth in good oral health. 

Read these helpful tips to know the correct way to clean, handle, and store your dentures.

Tips To Clean Dentures

The first thing is to remove and rinse dentures after meals. If you can’t clean your dentures after every meal, brush them at least once a day with a denture cleanser. You can also use mild soap or liquid hand soap to remove plaque, food debris, etc.

Moreover, if you use a denture adhesive, use the proper amount. Plus, clean any leftover adhesive on your gums. But don’t use a denture cleanser to do this. Remove adhesive from the dentures with a soft-bristled toothbrush, mild soap, and water. Soak dentures in the liquid solution overnight. Your dentist or brand of the solution may have their own recommendations, so follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Here are some things you should never use to clean dentures include:

Abrasive cleaning items: Tight-bristled brushes, strong cleansers, and toothpaste are way too abrasive. They can seriously damage the surface of your dentures.

Whitening toothpaste: Toothpaste with whitening properties can also be really abrasive. Never use them to clean your dentures.

Hot water:  In addition to sterilizing dentures, hot water could change their shape.

Ask your dentist if it’s ok to use a bleach solution on your dentures. Sodium hypochlorite bleach, or in solutions containing sodium hypochlorite, for more than 10 minutes. Placement of dentures for longer than 10 minutes in sodium hypochlorite solutions may damage dentures. 

Handling Your Dentures

Before putting dentures, rinse them thoroughly, especially if soaked in a cleansing solution. If ingested, the solution’s harsh chemicals can cause vomiting, pain, or burns. Not to mention, dentures are very delicate and can break easily if dropped. Be careful while handling your dentures! Always hold them with a soft towel or fill your sink with water.

Where to Store Your Dentures

Dentures can get distorted if they dry out or are placed in hot water. When you are not putting them, soak them in room temperature water or in a denture solution recommended by your dentist. Moreover, keep your dentures out of reach of kids and pets. As kids can play with dentures, and dogs love to chew them. 

Maintain Good Oral Health

Make frequent visits to the dentist to have your mouth and dentures. Moreover, if your dentures feel loose, see your dentist immediately. Loose dentures can result in sores, irritation, and infection.

By Olivia Bradley

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