Large Building Signs: Which Types to Have for a Gym?

Gyms are the places where people go to get fit. These businesses also become social spaces where customers develop fierce loyalty and form bonds with your brand. Large building signs can foster those bonds and point new customers towards membership.

Gym companies when come to signage in and around their business, they have numerous opportunities to inform their customers about their current services and programs.

Benefits of gym signage

Customers can collect information from your space’s signage and many gym fans want as much information as they can get. They are interested to know how many miles they have run or how many calories they have burned.

Digital signage at your gym provides beneficial information on promotions, upcoming classes, and new equipment. Large building signs are used to attract your customers and turn them into cardio machines, and locker rooms.  

When your customers walk through your gym the best gym experience starts. Outdoor signage establishes a mood for customers’ workout that is based on the logo and brand colors.


You can use different gym signage to communicate with your customers and potential members. Below are some types of signages that include:

ADA signage

It is important to make your gym a welcoming place for visitors with disabilities. ADA signage compiles the Americans with Disabilities Act which helps to make identification easier. ADA standards require public buildings that make specific information available to customers with visual impairments.

These include raised signage for elevator buttons indicating the location of restrooms, and elevator, among others. Signworld group ADA signage is guaranteed to be ADA- compliant.

Architectural and glass textures

Many gym consumers love stylish, modern gyms with a lot of well-designed glass panes for visual aptitude and natural light. But glass finishes also erode gym members’ privacy.

Glass textures, specifically for privacy glass, provide large glass panes while giving gorgeous screens to shield gym-goers from interfering eyes. Light can come in from above, but customers at street level remain unseen from view.


Custom banners help make fitness centers or gyms look bright and cheerful as well. Many consumers especially new customers may find the gym walking idea frightening.

But colorful cheery banners welcome the new customers into the lobby that help to dispel this feeling. Bright colors and a welcoming design can make both new and current customers feel encouraged.

Directional signage

For many new customers as well as for occasional consumers, walking into the gym can be confusing or overwhelming. Customers may simply want to work for half an hour on the elliptical, but a confusing display of weight machines provokes them.

If they want to change, they have no idea where the changing rooms are.

Floor graphics

Enhance your gym wayfinding signage with colorful, attractive floor graphics. Though directional wall signage is to the point and helpful, you can add some personality to your gym by using vibrant floor graphics.

Your consumers are directed to the restrooms by a created line of cute cat footprints. Or see the customers where the swimming pool is by creating a path of bright blue breakers. It’s no matter what imagery you choose; your customers surely appreciate these helpful directions and charming designs.


Murals are the best way to improve the visual demand inside your gym. Signworld create a seasonal display, showcase a relaxing natural scene or make an exciting, eye-pleasing mural for your customers.

Giving your consumers something exciting to look at while the exercise makes their workout time pass more speedily and helps them form positive relationships with their exercise practices.

Window graphics

Window graphics help you to improve the visual appeal of your facility both inside and outside. Inside the window, graphics use to brighten up window spaces and engage your consumer’s imaginations as they work out.

Outside window graphics use for marketing short-time discounts, endorsing fitness activities like rock climbing or yoga, or repeating passersby of your presence with a smiling slogan or gym-themed joke.

Examples of gym signs

Large building signs are available in different forms depending on the message you need to convey. There are some examples of gym signs:

·         The digital signs display time for new coming classes

·         Your gym logo with lobby signs

·         Neon signs for external usage

·         Locker room signage

·         Signs of club towels after finishing a workout


Signworld group’s purpose is to design signage that meets the needs of your customers. For the gym, graphic designs must be very informational, describing class schedules, safety measures, and advertising taglines for customers. 

By Olivia Bradley

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