LED Television: Common Issues You Should Be Aware Of

In India, television has grown to be a need in every family. The popularity of LED/LCD television models has lately increased in comparison to cathode ray television. Every electrical item, even televisions, eventually needs maintenance. In this post, we offer the most straightforward technique for resolving your LED television repair concerns. lso, if you are looking for best television, buy a Sony TV online today at Martin Dawes now for best deal.

1. LED TV won’t power on

There are occasions when the switch doesn’t turn on right away, even after you flick it. In such cases, please make sure the plug is securely attached to the electrical main board. You should also look to see whether the child has deactivated any automated switches. The problem with the television’s main board or power board is there if you examined and felt that everything was in order. The situation can necessitate the services of an experienced electrician.

2. LED TVs automatically turn off

The television occasionally turns on and then turns off. This issue is also related to the main board or power supply unit.

3. The TV turns on, but the screen is either blue, green, or black

The most likely reason for a television with a blue, green, or black screen is a weak signal. By selecting “Input” —> “Source” —> “TV/Video” on your remote control, confirm that your satellite or cable box is turned on and that the television is set to the proper output. Press the button to choose between the available inputs until your TV receives a picture. Replug anything that is improperly connected after checking under the TV for any loose connections. If your television is still not receiving a signal, try disconnecting and replugging the cable box to reset it. Switch the connections to a different device in case your signal or the box itself is the problem. Get service for the box itself from your provider if the picture works on another device.

4. LED television screen black

The power supply unit can be the most frequent cause. The PSU is what takes in the current and distributes it to all of the components. Capacitor issues may be the cause of the issue. Even though it is a straightforward repair, an LED TV repair specialist is advised because soldering skills are required.

5. When you turn on the television, you see horizontal lines

Want to identify the issue’s root cause? In the cable for the set-top box, the signal is quite weak. If you attach it to an old LED TV, you won’t experience the same issue. While the most contemporary LED televisions demand a significant amount of input signals, the older model requires a smaller amount. Consult a repairman for LED televisions for advice. He’ll probably advise you to upgrade to an HD set-top box.

6. No sound is received

Do you want to undertake a do-it-yourself project? since the process is quite complicated. The TV’s built-in speakers are probably damaged. The cause is the audio IC. By exchanging this component, the sound will be recovered. Very unusual problem. If the first speaker interrupts, the other speaker will take the floor. Since TV repair entails changing television parts, you need to find an LED repair specialist who is an expert in that field.

7. Detect an echo

You most likely have a separate sound system, such as a sound bar or surround sound system, that is playing sound while the television’s speakers are simultaneously playing sound if you are experiencing an echo with your television’s audio system. Use only your external sound system, which is probably considerably higher quality than the TV’s built-in speakers, and disable or muffle the audio for the TV speakers to avoid the echo.

8. LED TV Is Unable to Connect to WiFi

You must first identify the issue’s root cause. It can be in the router or the TV. Just use your mobile device to verify. If the plan is successful, you must inspect the router. The router’s firmware should be updated. You must reset the router if it does not function. And this ruse will undoubtedly work. A different approach would be to purchase a WiFi extender and see if the LED television model connects to the internet. Consider investing in a USB wi-fi adaptor if the signal quality is good.

9. The image has been cropped, stretched, or compressed

If the television’s image appears chopped, stretched, or compressed, the picture size settings are probably incorrect (zoom, wide, aspect ratio, or picture). The best option is frequently “Direct” or “Just-Fit,” which tells the TV to display the content as it gets the signal. Set the video to 4:3 if you are using a DVD player or an outdated gaming console connected to the television (otherwise, the television will stretch the picture to the modern 16:9 ratio). To prevent odd cropping when using a computer linked to the television, turn off Over scan. Your TV functions flawlessly. Actually, the problem is brought on by defective aerials. Usually, major boards that aren’t working right might be the problem.

10. screens with lines

The lines on the screen are a factor in this issue. There could be several causes, including a defective logic board, Z sustain boards, screen, or scanning board. You can make a call for another kind of led screen repair if the screen has dents.

11. Dark Image

A defective TCon Board may be the cause of the issue. Only occasionally does a defective screen cause the TCON board to need repair.

12. Tactile Buttons

The remote is being fixed. You also attempt to use the touch buttons on the function panel. This, however, does not function. Therefore, you need to hire a technician.


Only a few of the common fixes related to LED televisions are listed in the article. Some TV problems can be fixed on your own, while others require the expertise of a TV repair expert. In recent years, hiring any skilled handyman contractor has become incredibly simple. You can search for a local company that performs home maintenance as well as search for tv led repair online. Now that you have their app, you can request something whenever it’s convenient for you. The concerned technician will show up on that day and resolve the issue.

By Olivia Bradley

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