Smart Hacks to Add Creativity to Your Photography Projects

creative photography

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut with your commercial photography projects, never fear—we have some great hacks to help get you inspired and add some creativity to your work. From using everyday objects to create interesting effects to simple tips for improving your composition, these hacks will have you shooting like a pro in no time.

Smudge and erode photographs with water

Smudging and eroding photographs with water can create some interesting visual effects. By either smudging the photograph with your fingers or spraying it with a water bottle, you can create a blurry or washed-out look that can be very striking. This technique is especially effective for landscapes or photos with a lot of detail.

Consider adding touches with sewing and embroidery

Adding touches of sewing and embroidery to your photographs can give them a unique and artsy look. By adding a little bit of flair in the form of thread or lace, you can make your photos stand out. This is a great technique for photos that are particularly plain or lack a lot of detail.

Blur lighting intentionally

You may want to experiment with blurring the lighting to create unique effects when taking photographs. This can be done by either using a slower shutter speed or by moving the camera while taking the photo. Either way, this technique can add a lot of interest and creativity to your photos.

Use handheld lenses as compositional elements

When it comes to photography, composition is key. And one way to add some extra interest to your photos is by using handheld lenses as compositional elements. This can be done by placing them in the foreground or background of your shot or even using them to create interesting patterns. By experimenting with different ways to use handheld lenses, you can add a lot of creativity and uniqueness to your photos.

Incorporate mirrors to create a vortograph

Another great photography tip is to use mirrors to add some extra interest and creativity to your shots. By incorporating mirrors into your photos, you can create unique vortographs—that is, images that depict a swirling or vortex-like effect. This can be done by either placing the mirror directly in the shot or using it to reflect light and create interesting patterns. By experimenting with different ways to use mirrors, you can add a lot of visual interest to your photos.

Paint directly on photographs

Adding paint to photographs can create some really interesting effects. By painting directly on top of the photo, you can change the colour, texture, and composition of the image. This is a great way to add some extra creativity and flair to your photos.

Not only does painting on top of photos change the appearance of the image, but it can also be a great way to experiment with different techniques and styles. Adding a touch of paint to your photographs is an excellent way to add some extra flair.

Create collages with mixed-media materials

If you’re looking for a new way to add creativity to your photography projects, consider creating collages with mixed-media materials. By using a variety of different materials, such as paper, cloth, and beads, you can create interesting and unique collages that will stand out. Not only are these collages visually appealing, but they can also be a great way to experiment with different techniques and styles. So, if you’re looking for a new way to add some flair to your photography projects, consider creating a collage with mixed-media materials.

Erase parts of photos digitally

There are many different ways to erase parts of photographs for interesting effects. One way is to use a software program to do it for you. This can be a great way to quickly and easily erase parts of your photos. However, if you’re looking for more control, you may want to try erasing them by hand. This can be done by using a graphics editor or even just by using some basic tools in a photo editor.

Not only can erasing parts of photos be a great way to change the composition or look of the image, but it can also be used to remove unwanted elements from the photo. So, if you’re looking for a way to change or improve your photos, consider erasing parts of them digitally.

Overexpose shots deliberately

When it comes to photography, one way to add some extra creativity and flair is by deliberately overexposing shots. This can be done by either increasing the exposure time or by increasing the aperture size. Either way, this technique can create some really interesting and unique effects.

Overexposing shots can be a great way to add originality and visual interest to your photos. By experimenting with different ways to overexpose your shots, you can create a variety of different high-key effects that will make a statement.

Use unique photography backdrops

When it comes to photography, the backdrop is key. And one way to add some extra interest and creativity to your photos is by using unique backdrops. By using different types of backdrops, you can create all sorts of interesting and eye-catching effects. Some great options for backdrops include colourful fabrics, interesting patterns, and beautiful landscapes.

You can add a lot of creativity and individuality to your shots by experimenting with various types of unique photography backdrops. Adding interesting backdrops to your pictures will help you explore new styles and techniques, making your photos more visually appealing overall.

Project images on surfaces and take photographs

When it comes to photography, one of the best ways to add some extra creativity and flair is by projecting images onto surfaces and then taking photos. This can be done by using a projector or even just by projecting the image onto a wall or other surface. By doing this, you can create some really interesting and unique compositions that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.

Projecting photographs onto surfaces is a fantastic technique to add originality to your photos while also allowing you to experiment with various methods and styles. So, if you’re searching for a new method to spice up your photography projects, projecting images on surfaces may be of help.


There are a number of different ways to add creativity and flair to your photography projects. By using some of these techniques, you can really take your photos to the next level. So, if you’re looking for ways to make your photos more interesting and eye-catching, consider using some of these methods.

By Olivia Bradley

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