Spiritual Meditation And Its Benefits

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We often lose ourselves in this chaotic world. We search for mediums to escape this reality. When this chaos takes a toll on people, some of them use alcohol as a medium to escape reality. This is where they start not only their peace but their life as well. The only thing, that can help human beings regain consciousness of life and help them in tackling their life more systematically, is ‘Meditation’. Meditation shapes your body like a healing centre of your soul.

Before we move ahead, let’s know about Meditation.

Meditation is a path to gaining consciousness and developing awareness of the ongoing time. It not only helps in narrowing down one’s focus and attention but also teaches the way of accepting things as they are. These lead to visible changes in your body and mind.

It is stated that meditation has been an evident portion of Indian culture for ages. The first mention of Meditation has been noticed in Hindu Vedas and scriptures. Meditations’ earliest records date from 1500 years BCE. Since then, it is considered as an essential part of the Vedic schools in India. Later, it got popularised and people from neighboring countries started adopting it within no time. The most important thing is to meditate, one doesn’t need to belong to a specific religion, region, or gender. Nine varieties of meditations can be found, but spiritual is popular worldwide. Its concept is clear to most of people.

Even after the existence of such varieties of meditation, all of them don’t suit everyone. Finding the right type according to your needs is necessary. The practicing process of each of these meditations differs from each other. They require different mindsets too.

Amidst all of these types, we will be discussing particularly spiritual meditation.

There are many religions in the whole world and as every religion speaks of a higher power/higher consciousness/ God, there are natural attempts to connect with that higher power.
Spiritual meditation is practiced in all religions, it is diverse and different. It is a practice by an individual to connect to the higher power or God through constant, focused, and mindful attempts to keep aside the mundane and material realities.
Meditation for spiritual purposes can be practiced anywhere, be it either at home or a place of worship.
This meditation has several benefits. First of all, the individual tries to understand and connect to the higher or deeper reality called God. This very often results in the enlightenment of the self and calms the disturbed mind caused by mundane existence. Furthermore, as the individual understands that the whole world is a manifestation of the higher consciousness of God, he renounces greed, selfishness, and violence. He is inspired to do good for others.
But, meditation for spiritual purposes is not an easy process. It takes a lot of time and effort. However, as spiritual people realize, this has innumerable benefits. Above all, spiritual healing meditation has become a popular term nowadays.

By Olivia Bradley

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