
Top 15 API Security Best Practices

Top 15 API Security Best Practices

In the age of the Internet, data security has become increasingly important. As more and more businesses move their operations online, the need to protect sensitive information has never been greater. One of the best ways to protect data is to use an application programming interface (API). An API is a set of rules and protocols that allow software programs to communicate with each other. API security is the process of securing APIs from unauthorized access, use, or modification. It is a critical part of the overall security of an application or system. There are a number of best practices…
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Let’s Talk About Cybersecurity Risks In Blockchain

Let’s Talk About Cybersecurity Risks In Blockchain

The blockchain is the most groundbreaking information technology of all time, a revolutionary machine that makes it possible to dispense entirely with trusted third parties like banks and governments. But as we all know, this high-tech machine is susceptible to hacking, fraud, and malware. The security risks for blockchain technologies are so manifold that investing in this space could be potentially over-inflated. What is Blockchain? A blockchain is a distributed ledger that records transactions across multiple computers so that individuals cannot change the record retrospectively without affecting all following blocks and requiring network cooperation. This enables participants to check and…
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