Teeth whitening strips- How they work, advantages and disadvantages 

teeth whitening

Teeth whitening strips, now available over-the-counter at dentists, drugstores, and pharmacists, as well as on various sites, may be of interest if you’re looking for a brighter smile.

People who want a Hollywood-like smile are using these inexpensive tooth whitening strips to get it. However, how effective are they and what are the advantages and disadvantages? Below, we examine the treatment’s mechanism of action.

How do teeth-whitening strips work?

Teeth may be stained by red wine, cola, coffee, and tea. Some drugs, tobacco products, and genetics may also cause discoloration. In the outer layer of the tooth enamel, stains accumulate over time. The active components hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide adhere to a flexible plastic strip that fits over the teeth in whitening strips. Deep-seated stains on teeth may be removed by using a whitening product that gets into the dentin (the bone tissue underlying the enamel) as well as surface stains.

For up to two weeks, teeth whitening strips uk may be used once or twice a day. Teeth that have been bleached at home using a 16-shade bleaching chart often come out one or two shades whiter. The ultimate outcome varies from person to person and from the amount of discoloration to level.

What Are Teeth Whitening Strips Made of?

Polyethylene, the synthetic plastic used in the production of food containers and packaging such as plastic bags, is what the strips are constructed of. A thin coating of chemicals, such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, is applied to the plastic before it is sliced into little strips. Chemicals other than the whitening agent are also applied to each strip.

  • It is PVP, the sticky polymer that holds the strap in place on the teeth, that is responsible for this
  • Stain protection using pyrophosphate
  • To provide a sweet flavor, we use sodium saccharin.
  • Sodium hydroxide to maintain the pH balance of the strip

How are teeth whitening strips used?

The chemical coating is applied to each tooth’s surface once the strips have been placed on the upper and lower rows. Over time, the whitening chemical penetrates the enamel.

The chemicals responsible for yellowing teeth are broken down and destroyed when the peroxide reaches the enamel’s surface layer. Whitening toothpaste oxidizes discoloration-causing particles, making teeth look whiter.

The length of time that the strips should be left in place varies from brand to brand. More time doesn’t always equate to better results. It’s critical that you adhere according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Teeth whitening strips uk are designed to provide maximum coverage. When teeth are uneven or have microcracks in them, it may be difficult for the whitening chemical to be evenly distributed.

Do You Have to Wait Long to See Results?

When it comes to teeth whitening, the effects may be seen in only a few days or a week. If you see an ad for a whitening strip that claims to work in a few hours, don’t purchase it.

While it’s possible to see results rapidly, the danger of destroying teeth in the process is too great. In the long term, it might do more damage than good  To maximize the effectiveness of your whitening strips, below is a list of frequent steps:

  • It is essential that the user’s handbook be read and comprehended in its entirety. It’s essential, particularly if you’re moving to a new brand that has different instructions.
  • Before applying the strips, teeth should be washed and disinfected. It will eliminate food particles and microorganisms that may interfere with the whitening agent’s efficacy. At least 30 minutes after using fluoride toothpaste, use the strips.
  • To guarantee that the strip doesn’t adhere to the gums, someone might trim the strip to fit their teeth.
  • Wipe the teeth with a fresh cloth or napkin after brushing and flossing. After that, the strip should be placed against the teeth at an appropriate angle so that it covers the majority of them. Ensure the gel side is in direct touch with the surface of your teeth.
  • As instructed, you should leave them in place as long as possible. A back-lying position is advised, as is mouth breathing the whole time. As a result, the mouth will remain dry and the whitening process will not be hampered.
  • Peel the strips as soon as the timer goes off. They won’t become much whiter if you leave them there longer.
  • Brush or rinse the teeth. Brushing your teeth after using a whitening agent will not remove all of the whitening agents that were left on the surface of your teeth. There’s no need for the chemicals that were used to oxidize the stains, and they shouldn’t be left on the enamel.

Advantages of Teeth whitening strips 

  • Effectiveness

Whitening strips are effective. Is it possible to get white teeth with these? Your teeth’s natural shade and the source of your stains will have a significant impact on the results you get. Lifestyle stains may be removed using strips. Things like consuming coffee or alcohol, or even smoking, fall into this category. However, they are unable to eliminate stains caused by health problems or pharmaceutical responses. 

Results should be seen in around 7 days if the strips are used according to the instructions. Modern whitening strips promise effects in only three days or less. One cycle may provide benefits that endure for up to six months after you’ve finished the process completely. Avoid teeth-staining foods and beverages to keep your smile brighter and longer. Whitening toothpaste is also a good idea while brushing teeth.

  • Cost

The price of a one-week supply of professional quality teeth whitening strips typically ranges from $15 to $30. You can get them in almost any place that sells toothpaste. It’s possible that your dentist’s practice sells dental strips for professional use. Stronger and whitener chemicals are included in these strips. Their prices may be a little more pricey, but they’re worth it. Strips are a low-cost, low-risk approach to see whether teeth whitening at the dentist’s office is right for you before investing in more costly, in-office solutions (such as lasers).

  • Effortlessness

The application of whitening strips is really simple. Remembering to utilize them may be the most challenging aspect. They have a strip for each row on the top and bottom. Wear them for 30 minutes, or as directed, on your front teeth.

Negative Consequences of using Teeth Whitening strips 

Because of the limited concentration of active chemicals in teeth whitening strips uk, the outcomes are poor. Using a product in a sensitive location, such as your mouth, might lead to additional problems, such as sluggish results. There are a few other issues that people who use whitening strips experience.

  • Gum damage 

Strip Whitening may cause gum injury as a result of chemical reactions with teeth-whitening chemicals. Consider your gums before applying the strip, and be careful not to contact them.

  • Yellow Spots 

 Some people who use whitening strips claim to have a white core with darker rims after using the product. As a consequence, the whitening strips sometimes don’t fit tightly around the curvature of your teeth or between your teeth. Erwin’s professional teeth whitening procedure is the finest since it covers all of your teeth and provides a great whitening experience.

  • Tooth damage 

Too much strip whitening might cause tooth damage since the gel in the strips penetrates the enamel of your teeth. Because of this, it’s not uncommon for people to wear the strips for longer periods of time, or on a more frequent basis than recommended. 

Too much usage of teeth-whitening strips might result in dental sensitivity or a greyish coloration of the enamel as a result of the enamel being too soft. As a result, if you decide to whiten your teeth using whitening strips, proceed with care and have your progress monitored by a board-certified dentist to avoid negative consequences.

Also read: Skincare: 5 tips for healthy skin

By Olivia Bradley

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