Gmail has over 1 billion users and how many of them try google account recovery every day? Many! Because losing google access can be troublesome for them. But, not being able to perform google account recovery can be a nightmare. But, don’t panic! Here learn the tips and tricks when resetting the password for your Gmail account.
Why Can’t You Login to Your Google Account? (Common Causes)
To resolve the can’t log in Gmail account, you need to find its causes. Let’s have a glance at those:
- Using a different password
- Using a different device or browser
- Gamil server is down
- Using a third-party mail client
Steps For Google Account Recovery
When you are unable to log in to your google account, use these steps. It will help you get back to your account easily. First, visit the account recovery page After that, follow the tips mentioned below:
Location & sign-in:
- Try signing in from the device you use frequently to access your account.
- Use the same browser.
- If possible, be at the location you often use when signing in (home or office).
- When asked, you can use the latest password of your account.
- If you forgot that, try any password you have ever used for this account (most latest would be better).
- Have no idea, take your best guess.
Answer to Security Questions:
It will be a question you have to choose when setting up your account. If you answer it correctly, Google account recovery will get easier. But, if it still restricts you from accessing the account, try variations of characters, it may help.
However, you can always try to guess if you don’t recall the answer.
Final Words:
We hope these tips for google account recovery/ helped you recognize the issue. Many miss out on these minor points and face trouble when resetting/signing into the account. For more posts like this, stay tuned with us!